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MH 17: Some conclusions – Did NATO try to murder Putin?

MH 17: Some conclusions – Did NATO try to murder Putin?

Greetings, MH 17: Some conclusions – Did NATO try to murder Putin? MH 17: Some conclusions – Did NATO try to murder Putin? Ukrainian civilians murdered by Kiev regime Let…

(Video)RON PAUL Asks, ‘Who Benefits Most’ From the Downing of Malaysian Flight MH-17…?

(Video)RON PAUL Asks, ‘Who Benefits Most’ From the Downing of Malaysian Flight MH-17…?

Greetings,     RON PAUL Asks, ‘Who Benefits Most’ From the Downing of Malaysian Flight MH-17…?…

US MH17 remarks resemble Iraq WMDs tale: Russia

US MH17 remarks resemble Iraq WMDs tale: Russia

Greetings, US MH17 remarks resemble Iraq WMDs tale: Russia Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (file photo). A Russian official says US remarks over the crash of a Malaysian airliner…



Greetings, IF THIS KEEPS UP, THEY WILL HAVE TO START PUTTING ARMED GUARDS ON FOOD TRUCKS SOURCE: MICHAEL SNYDER, OP-ED Food-Truck-Public-Domain-300×190 The basic necessities in life just keep getting more…

Russia creates anti-ballistic control arc along its border

Russia creates anti-ballistic control arc along its border

Greetings, Russia creates anti-ballistic control arc along its border Russia July 17, 19:53 UTC+4 Missile attack warning stations Voronezh-DM in Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories will be fifth and sixth among…

NYC Stasi(police) still killing Black America: NYC man dies after cop puts him in chokehold

NYC Stasi(police) still killing Black America: NYC man dies after cop puts him in chokehold

Greetings, Why is it that if you kill someone in self defense the US courts have no sympathy, yet whenever the cops openly and blatantly kill a black man or…


GREETINGS, KIEV LOSING, SANCTIONS FLOPPED, AIRLINER DOWN, WAR BACK ON? SOURCE: TONY CARTALUCCI – NEO With Kiev’s forces being encircled and decimated in eastern Ukraine, western Ukrainians in Kiev protesting…

(Vid Inc.)Yes, It Has Come To This: U.S. Foreign Policy Spiraling Out Of Control

(Vid Inc.)Yes, It Has Come To This: U.S. Foreign Policy Spiraling Out Of Control

Greetings, This is an example of what the scriptures teaches that Allah would have His enemies in total derision. The leaders of America are confounded. This is leading to the…

No agreement anywhere: European Union leaders fail to agree on top jobs

No agreement anywhere: European Union leaders fail to agree on top jobs

Greetings, Regardless to their public face or their diplomatic talk, the leaders of the Western world are caught in a net of total confusion. This confusion has them divided. The…

(Video Incl.)Brought to you by the Western “democratic” nations: Battle rages at Tripoli airport, 90% of planes destroyed

(Video Incl.)Brought to you by the Western “democratic” nations: Battle rages at Tripoli airport, 90% of planes destroyed

Greetings, When you understand the criminality of the West ,you understand that they are devils with an acute agenda of total domination regardless to whom or what, and will use…

(Video)Economic WARFARE Begins! BRICS War Against U.S.

(Video)Economic WARFARE Begins! BRICS War Against U.S.

Greetings, Economic WARFARE Begins! BRICS War Against U.S. BRICS create development bank, ‘mini-IMF’ The BRICS group of emerging powers created a Shanghai-based development bank and a reserve fundseen as alternatives…

Video: Detroit residents speak out on water shutoffs

Video: Detroit residents speak out on water shutoffs

Greetings,    Video: Detroit residents speak out on water shutoffs By Tim Rivers Source: www.wsws.org The city of Detroit is aggressively implementing its plan to shut off residential water service…

(Video)Sanctions will drive Russia-US relations to dead-end: Putin Speaks

(Video)Sanctions will drive Russia-US relations to dead-end: Putin Speaks

Greetings, (Can you see it now? Both Russia & America are after each other. There is a continued tit for tat. We are still a wee bit away from the…

The build-up Continues….Russia may sell Iskander-E missile system to China

The build-up Continues….Russia may sell Iskander-E missile system to China

Greetings, Russia may sell Iskander-E missile system to China As Iskander-E road-mobile missile launcher (Internet photo) After the Russian delegation attending the Seventh International Exhibition of Weapons and Military Equipment…

The Beast with eyes around about: US ‘spying on everyone, everywhere’

The Beast with eyes around about: US ‘spying on everyone, everywhere’

Greetings, She fulfilling her history to the very letter and spirit. She is the beast spoken of in the Bible. …” Rev. Ch. 12 (Bible) prophesies of America under the…

She wants to prevent Russia from getting any edge over her so she is madly waging economic…

She wants to prevent Russia from getting any edge over her so she is madly waging economic…

Greetings, This is what desperate falling former powers do. They have no dignity to accept that their time has come and their reign is over. They have to comment discord…

As the US/NATO moves East, Russia maneuvers West: Russia regains control of radio facility in Cuba’s Lourdes base

As the US/NATO moves East, Russia maneuvers West: Russia regains control of radio facility in Cuba’s Lourdes base

Greetings,  This has geopolitical ramifications which can now be heard from Moscow to Washington D.C.. America’s arrogant policies has forced Russia’s hand. America has encircled Russia with NATO military forward…

Russia is flexing its aerial power: NATO has Intercepted Russian Aircraft up to 50 Times in Recent Weeks!

Russia is flexing its aerial power: NATO has Intercepted Russian Aircraft up to 50 Times in Recent Weeks!

Greetings, (FYI: Though the article below is somewhat slanted in its report, it still shows that Russia is now bowing to American dictates and it is now folding up under…

Eurasian rapid reaction forces formed: The new military grouping of Russia,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan is to make ready the arrow of war, to be read and prepared, if called upon against America/NATO!!!!

Eurasian rapid reaction forces formed: The new military grouping of Russia,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan is to make ready the arrow of war, to be read and prepared, if called upon against America/NATO!!!!

Greetings, Because of American and NATO intransigence and arrogance, other nations are now practicing and implementing  war gaming scenarios that feature the Western military block/alliance as the enemy to be…

Black man and woman here in America, America hates you with a cruel inhumane type of hatred.

Black man and woman here in America, America hates you with a cruel inhumane type of hatred.

Greetings, Black man and woman here in America, America hates you with a cruel inhumane type of hatred. She shows you in how she treats you and how she handles…

The fall of the Babylonian empire is the fall of America!

The fall of the Babylonian empire is the fall of America!

Greetings, We know that in the fall of Babylon the empire was a basket case. They could not make heads or tail of the situation they were facing. Smitten by…

America is faced with the worst problem she ever had…That is, unemployment from her armed forces.(Now the Pentagon Is Giving Our Active Duty Soldiers in Afghanistan Pink Slips)

America is faced with the worst problem she ever had…That is, unemployment from her armed forces.(Now the Pentagon Is Giving Our Active Duty Soldiers in Afghanistan Pink Slips)

Greetings, Yes, we have entered a very crucial and critical time for America…..for imperial America! The leadership is perplexed over what is the next move. Every move that they make…

US weighs options for new ‘kill vehicle’….As the Empire declines,they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth

US weighs options for new ‘kill vehicle’….As the Empire declines,they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth

Greetings, From the very core of this nation spreading outward, we can see that the very thought of them are to kill and exploit. This is the mind of satan.…

Russia Increases Troop Numbers on Border With Ukraine

Russia Increases Troop Numbers on Border With Ukraine

Greetings, Russia Increases Troop Numbers on Border With Ukraine Source: http://www.nasdaq.com By Dow Jones Business News Ukraine Reports Progress Against Pro-Russia Separatists Ukraine said a powerful rocket probably fired from…

(Video)Attack on the dollar: Jim Rogers – Only A Russian/Chinese/Brazil Joint-Currency Can Battle Dollar Dominance

(Video)Attack on the dollar: Jim Rogers – Only A Russian/Chinese/Brazil Joint-Currency Can Battle Dollar Dominance

Greetings,   Jim Rogers – Only A Russian/Chinese/Brazil Joint-Currency Can Battle Dollar Dominance Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com he presidents of Russia and Brazil have met ahead of the BRICS Summit. Vladimir Putin and Dewma…

Half of Ukraine support joining NATO?

Half of Ukraine support joining NATO?

Greetings, Half of Ukraine support joining NATO? Half of Ukraine support joining NATO? Ukraine. Against the backdrop of the horror of the civil war in the east and the growing…

Blowback…Moscow mulls ‘targeted strikes’ on Ukraine

Blowback…Moscow mulls ‘targeted strikes’ on Ukraine

Greetings, Moscow mulls ‘targeted strikes’ on Ukraine Authorities work at a property in Russia’s Rostov Region which was hit by a shell fired from the Ukrainian territory, July 13, 2014.…

The fall of American power & friends continues…Russia backs Argentina’s call to curb Western dominance

The fall of American power & friends continues…Russia backs Argentina’s call to curb Western dominance

Greetings, (FYI: This is geopolitics. the nations are breaking out of America’s power & dominance. They no longer will sit idly as the beast wages illegal and unjust wars of…

(Audio/Video Incl.)America has crossed the tipping point!

(Audio/Video Incl.)America has crossed the tipping point!

Greetings, It is amazing how we, at the Star & Crescent Report” blog talk show and here at the hiram’s1555 blog tell you what is going on by divine, yet…

Since their world is collapsing so too is their unity and power.

Since their world is collapsing so too is their unity and power.

Greetings, Since their world is collapsing so too is their unity and power. When have entered the 7th day. This means that the 6 days or 6,000 year rule of…