No agreement anywhere: European Union leaders fail to agree on top jobs


eudRegardless to their public face or their diplomatic talk, the leaders of the Western world are caught in a net of total confusion. This confusion has them divided. The policy of one is at odds with the policy of the other.

They put on a brave face in public. In reality though, they are in fear and full of excitement over what has come. But they can blame no one but themselves. Why? Because all of this is blowback from centuries of their unjust ,wicked, and illegal practices and policies.

……”We cannot deny the fact that the Christian West is responsible for this universal corruption in the land and sea.

From the same corruption that their own hands have wrought will come their doom.”–pg.168(tfoa)

eud2You thought you could fight God in person. You are quickly finding out that He doesn’t need contrived weapons of steel to fight you with….”Do you think that you can get away with fighting Allah (God)? No wonder the second Psalms says that He will sit in the heavens and laugh at those who are trying to fight against Him. He will have you crazy. It is true.

The heads of the governments of the Christian world are confused, and they do not know that they are confused. Why? Because their greatest desire was to confuse us. Now Allah (God) has taken the confusion out of us and put it into them.”–pg.156(tfoa)

eud3 No agreement between these nations will stand today. The time for them to have and enjoy peace has come to an abrupt end….”There is no doubt in anyone’s mind today that the condition of the nations is such that needs a ruler who is not involved in the present world of corruption to bring about peace and good will among the people of the earth. There cannot be peace for their lovers who seek after peace until the peace breakers have been removed from authority and their activities of mischief making, causing bloodshed, grief, sorrow and trouble among peace-loving nations.

There is not a civilized government of people at this writing that is not in trouble and trying to find a solution to the cause. All the nations of the earth are so corrupt with other than good that they cannot come to any agreement on peace with each other, then carry it into practice.”–pg.265(m.t.t.b.m.)

  European Union leaders fail to agree on top jobs


European Union leaders have failed to decide about top jobs in the 28-nation bloc at a summit in Brussels.

According to diplomats on Wednesday, the leaders postponed the decision by August 30 when they will meet again.

The leaders were deadlocked over the appointment of a new foreign policy chief as well as the president of the European Council for the next five years.

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According to reports, opposition by leaders from central and east European countries to the candidacy of Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini for the role of EU foreign policy chief was one of the reasons behind the deadlock. According to the diplomats, the central and east European leaders said the job should go to someone from their region.

Reports also said that Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and European Commissioner for Development Kristalina Georgieva who is from Bulgaria are potential alternatives for the foreign policy job.

On Tuesday, Former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker was confirmed as the next president of the European Commission (EC) by the new EU parliament.

The president-elect will succeed Jose Manuel Barroso in November.

His appointment was supported by 26 EU leaders except those from Hungary and the UK.

British Prime Minister David Cameron reacted to the nomination of Juncker, saying the move marks “a bad day for Europe.”

Juncker, 59, was reportedly instrumental in forming the euro currency and helping Europe weather a financial crisis when he was heading the Eurogroup of finance ministers up until 2013.

As chair of the eurozone’s finance ministers, Juncker averted massive bailouts for Greece, Portugal and other struggling countries at the height of the euro crisis in 2010-2012.

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