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The North African/MidEast powder keg: It’s about ready to blow

The North African/MidEast powder keg: It’s about ready to blow

Greetings, The North African/MidEast powder keg: It’s about ready to blow Most of us when we see these things being reported in the news, have no idea of what is…

Lies of the liar: He often says one thing while doing another

Lies of the liar: He often says one thing while doing another

Greetings, Lies of the liar: He often says one thing while doing another I felt it necessary to show you better than just telling you how hypocritical this government of…

(Video In.)Adam, Thy doom has come – US close to recession, world already in one

(Video In.)Adam, Thy doom has come – US close to recession, world already in one

Greetings, Adam, Thy doom has come – US close to recession, world already in one In reality America is in a depression, not recession. The world has fallen headlong into…

Beijing stuns West by warning against NATO expansion & provoking Russia

Beijing stuns West by warning against NATO expansion & provoking Russia

Greetings, Beijing stuns West by warning against NATO expansion & provoking Russia I think that America along with her NATO minions who are hellbent on conquering everyone and dominating the…

The Empire Has Fallen: This Is The Breaking Of American Power Internally

The Empire Has Fallen: This Is The Breaking Of American Power Internally

Greetings, The Empire Has Fallen: This Is The Breaking Of American Power Internally The experiment that is America is in trouble. There is a great cry for something else. Her…

The next move on the Grand/Geopolitical Chessboard goes to Russia

The next move on the Grand/Geopolitical Chessboard goes to Russia

Greetings, The next move on the Grand/Geopolitical Chessboard goes to Russia Remember that this latest provocation comes on the heels of Russia’s face-off with NATO member Turkey over the downing…

The Empire is broke & destitute

The Empire is broke & destitute

Greetings, The Empire is broke & destitute The situation concerning American economic might, political influence, and military power projection is tenuous at best and in reality very very dire for…

The Shadow Wars Are Coming to The Light

The Shadow Wars Are Coming to The Light

Greetings, The Shadow Wars Are Coming to The Light This latest move by Russia in Syria cannot be overstated in the least. The display of the much feared Russian S-400…

The Great Racial divide is growing

The Great Racial divide is growing

Greetings, The Great Racial divide is growing The Great Racial divide is growing. America is being torn apart at the seams. Justice is demanding these things as judgment screams out…

Brought to you by “The Exceptional Nation” that can do no wrong in their own eyes

Brought to you by “The Exceptional Nation” that can do no wrong in their own eyes

Greetings,   In the eyes of “The Exceptional Nation” they have never and could never do anything wrong. Their reasoning is if I kill thousands and make millions destitute and…

Desperate as the time points toward her doom

Desperate as the time points toward her doom

Greetings,   Desperate as the time points toward her doom   The latest announcements by the US State hate department leads us to believe that America has become desperate. She…

Terror only matters when it affects the terror sponsors….No media coverage in Nigeria as More than 50 killed as suicide bombers hit phone market in Nigeria’s Kano State

Terror only matters when it affects the terror sponsors….No media coverage in Nigeria as More than 50 killed as suicide bombers hit phone market in Nigeria’s Kano State

Greetings, The so-called mourning and grieving over Western nations getting cut by their own terror elements is almost blasphemous. The non stop coverage. The laying of wreaths internationally. The outpouring…

The Empire is losing and becoming more desperate by the hour

The Empire is losing and becoming more desperate by the hour

Greetings, The Empire is losing and becoming more desperate by the hour Here we go again. Whenever she can’t force her will on others she goes all out ,even moving…

The US/NATO quietly prepares for the coming thermonuclear war with Russia in Europe

The US/NATO quietly prepares for the coming thermonuclear war with Russia in Europe

Greetings, The US/NATO quietly prepares for the coming thermonuclear war with Russia in Europe Why do you think that in the midst of over 135 conflicts, America is still trying…

Gog & MaGog clash in The Middle East

Gog & MaGog clash in The Middle East

Greetings, Gog & MaGog clash in The Middle East War is definitely coming between these two powers, but the great war between them will not take place until they face-off…

The “World Order” according to the West/European is going to hell in a hand basket

The “World Order” according to the West/European is going to hell in a hand basket

Greetings,  The “World Order” according to the West/European is going to hell in a hand basket Trouble is everywhere for the Western world. They can no longer project absolute power…

The Fruits Of American Empire Taste Bitter At Home

The Fruits Of American Empire Taste Bitter At Home

Greetings, The strain of empire weighs heavily over those who must push, preserve, and maintain it. The taxing of war on the minds of the enforcers of the empire has…

European Collapse…The Fruit of their own policies(past & present)

European Collapse…The Fruit of their own policies(past & present)

Greetings, European Collapse…The Fruit of their own policies(past & present) For the last few weeks all that we have heard in the Western press is the influx of refugees from…

Sounds of the Symphony of War by the Orchestra of God

Sounds of the Symphony of War by the Orchestra of God

Greetings, Sounds of the Symphony of War by the Orchestra of God The time is quickly approaching wherein there shall be war….war between Gog & MaGog. This is prophecy. So…

American leaders are perplexed over what is happening to their global order

American leaders are perplexed over what is happening to their global order

Greetings, American leaders are perplexed over what is happening to their global order It’s all going to hell in a hand basket. American leaders are perplexed over what is happening…

Panic from The Empire – They see the breaking of the anglo world order which is headed by racist and fascist America!

Panic from The Empire – They see the breaking of the anglo world order which is headed by racist and fascist America!

Greetings, They see the breaking of the anglo world order which is headed by racist and fascist America! Didn’t we say it? Didn’t we tell you that America is not…

Why is the US gov. quietly preparing for a cataclysmic event they see coming in the near future, yet haven’t told you about?

Why is the US gov. quietly preparing for a cataclysmic event they see coming in the near future, yet haven’t told you about?

Greetings, Why is the US gov. quietly preparing for a cataclysmic event they see coming in the near future, yet haven’t told you about?   This devil knows that the…

After the war there will be great desolations poured upon America and Europe

After the war there will be great desolations poured upon America and Europe

Greetings,   After the war there will be great desolations poured upon America and Europe One must understand that the article below is from a Western/American perspective so there are holes…

What if Obama & Western leaders were held to the same standards that they hold world leaders whom they label as despots, dictators, and tyrants?

  What if Obama & Western leaders were held to the same standards that they hold world leaders whom they label as despots, dictators, and tyrants? You know it’s bad…

In a time of global war

In a time of global war

Greetings, In a time of global war This is how things build for war. Since America’s staged coup in Ukraine NATO has been acting very aggressive towards Russia with war…

21st century colonialism that will lead to war – The Empire & The South China Sea

21st century colonialism that will lead to war – The Empire & The South China Sea

Greetings, 21st century colonialism that will lead to war – The Empire & The South China Sea If you ever thought differently, let me satisfy your minds right now. America…

As her policy of Syrian overthrow goes up in smoke, the Blood-Shedder points the finger at Russia for Syria’s problems

As her policy of Syrian overthrow goes up in smoke, the Blood-Shedder points the finger at Russia for Syria’s problems

Greetings, As her policy of Syrian overthrow goes up in smoke, the Blood-Shedder points the finger at Russia for Syria’s problems America has no level of decency. She often goes…

The day of American might and power is coming to a close

The day of American might and power is coming to a close

Greetings, The day of American might and power is coming to a close The day of American might and power is coming to a close. She is no longer able…

The dying educational system of America means a descent into savagery!

The dying educational system of America means a descent into savagery!

Greetings, The dying educational system of America means a descent into savagery! We knew that America’s decline and fall would speed up and become more apparent as the economic environment…

Asia & The South China Sea….The Graveyard Of The Empire’s Naval Might

Asia & The South China Sea….The Graveyard Of The Empire’s Naval Might

Greetings, Asia & The South China Sea….The Graveyard Of The Empire’s Naval Might This signifies that things are quickly changing in the world. These changes are not to America’s liking…