The “World Order” according to the West/European is going to hell in a hand basket


 The “World Order” according to the West/European is going to hell in a hand basket


Trouble is everywhere for the Western world. They can no longer project absolute power because the system is dying. The people who were once their subjects or the fodder for white empire are no longer willing to accept it, nor are they willing to allow their resources to be stolen and taken back to Europe to enrich the thieves while keeping their own populations in abject poverty and misery.

The European knows this so they have reverted to their bread and butter. They are exporting terror to these nations to divide and cause bloodshed in an effort to present their intervention into these areas for occupation as a humanitarian effort, but in reality it is to subjugate the people and put down their move towards independence.

Now the leaders of European/Western nations are confused. They are scrambling for cover, even as their own positions in their own nations become unstable.

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