Why is the US gov. quietly preparing for a cataclysmic event they see coming in the near future, yet haven’t told you about?


Why is the US gov. quietly preparing for a cataclysmic event they see coming in the near future, yet haven’t told you about?



This devil knows that the Battle in the sky is near. They know that that great battle between God and the the devil world is underway and will soon become evermore clear and brutal. Their existence is at stake and they are trying to prevent their destruction.

…”The Old World of mischiefmaking and bloodshed is now on its way out in order to make room for the new world of Righteousness and Peace.

For the past 6,000 years we have had to live in an evil world that was designed to destroy the peace of man and to shed his blood.

All around the earth, there has not been one section of the world in which the Original Man has been or where he now lives that has not been touched or ruled by the evil of gods of the old world.

The God of Righteousness and peace, today, has Made His Appearance to Take to Himself the Rule of the Nations under the government of Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Equality.

Allah (God) Seeks to separate the evil from the good and the good from the evil. He Declared Himself as Coming to Seek and to Save the Black Man (so-called Negro) from his kidnappers (the white race).”-Chp.43(tfoa)

So now the God of the heavens and the earth, often called The Lord of the worlds, is bringing to bare His divine power. Nature is bowing into submission and obeying His call to wage war on this devil world and usher is a New World under righteous dominion.

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