European Collapse…The Fruit of their own policies(past & present)


European Collapse…The Fruit of their own policies(past & present)


For the last few weeks all that we have heard in the Western press is the influx of refugees from North Africa and The Middle East taxing Europe with a burden it cannot carry. None of them talks about why? They never tell us about what brought about this influx of refugees.

This is just like the Western/white elite. They always talk about their problems and never the actions which brought them about. They don’t talk about the West(America/NATO) destabilization of Africa and The Middle East. They won’t talk about this.

Why? It’s because it lays the burden right where it belongs. Right on the ever meddling colonial powers in their constant plans of divide and conquer to syphon off the resources and control strategic areas along with the mineral riches.

They barely utter a sound about this. Look at Somalia. Look at Yemen. Look at Mali, The Ivory Coast, and look at the Sudan. 

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