Brought to you by “The Exceptional Nation” that can do no wrong in their own eyes



Barack-Obama-as-warmongerIn the eyes of “The Exceptional Nation” they have never and could never do anything wrong. Their reasoning is if I kill thousands and make millions destitute and homeless refugees in their own land, and if I steal your resources and occupy your nation, then it must be for a nobel cause.

How dare you think otherwise? But when those whose families were murdered by your terror elements or your indiscriminate bombings, decide that enough is enough and decide to bring pain to you by killing maybe a dozen people, you and your immoral nations think…how dare you? This is nothing but pure evil, when the pure evil is you and your nation.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad has it right and exact when he says that, “They have poisoned the Bible with their adding to and taking from the truth. Now their doom is in sight. It is their own work.

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