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Still poking the bear…NATO secretary general expected to visit Kiev on August 7

Still poking the bear…NATO secretary general expected to visit Kiev on August 7

Greetings, This latest move by NATO under America’s leadership is highly provocative. Just think about it like this. A group of men starts tension in your sisters house between spouses,…

The posturing for war in Europe has begun…Russian Air Force begins massive scheduled drills

The posturing for war in Europe has begun…Russian Air Force begins massive scheduled drills

Greetings, This move by Russia is more of a quiet signal to America after she claimed to be deploying soldiers to Ukraine, and to Britain after Cameron called for a…

The unquenchable bloodlust for war: US risks major war with Russia over Ukraine

The unquenchable bloodlust for war: US risks major war with Russia over Ukraine

Greetings, What America doesn’t realize is that it is Allah, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever, who is causing these events.…

The military equation between China & America is quickly changing(Chinese DF-41 missile can penetrate US air defense: German expert)

The military equation between China & America is quickly changing(Chinese DF-41 missile can penetrate US air defense: German expert)

Greetings, American war planners are scared. They thought that they could punk China before she was prepared to respond. They thought that if they could build up enough arms of…

Debris from Imperial blowback…Russia might win China as ally: Canadian military magazine

Debris from Imperial blowback…Russia might win China as ally: Canadian military magazine

Greetings, Russia might win China as ally: Canadian military magazine An S-400 Triumf air defense system in preparation for service at Russia’s state Kapustin Yar firing range, Feb. 2011. (Photo/CFP)…

Still poking the the bear: US spy plane violates Swedish airspace to escape Russia fighter jets

Still poking the the bear: US spy plane violates Swedish airspace to escape Russia fighter jets

Greetings, US spy plane violates Swedish airspace to escape Russia jets US Air Force RC-135 Rivet Joint spy plane violated Swedish airspace twice as it was fleeing Russian jets. A…

With China in her sight, US enhances nuclear strike capability at Guam

With China in her sight, US enhances nuclear strike capability at Guam

Greetings,  If you read this link provided below you will understand why America is pushing the policy of total and sheer lunacy in Asia:    She is trying to prevent…

And so it starts to come out….Obama: We are ‘short of going to war’ with Russia

And so it starts to come out….Obama: We are ‘short of going to war’ with Russia

Greetings, The geopolitics of EurAsian domination is  bait that the American super power heavyweight can’t pass up. She has been caught snared, and is being reeling in for gutting and…

VIDEO: NYPD drags naked woman, 48, from her apartment as neighbors tape her arrest

VIDEO: NYPD drags naked woman, 48, from her apartment as neighbors tape her arrest

Greetings, This is just how America sees you. She will never treat you right. It’s not in her nature to do so. She was never planning on making you her…

Video of CA guards dousing mentally ill inmates with pepper spray prompts rule change

Video of CA guards dousing mentally ill inmates with pepper spray prompts rule change

Greetings, Greetings, Video of CA guards dousing mentally ill inmates with pepper spray prompts rule change By Reuters Screenshot-CA-inmate-pepper-spray California on Friday announced court-ordered policy changes aimed at curbing the…

DNR: Ukrainian army suffers crushing defeat near Shakhtyorsk

DNR: Ukrainian army suffers crushing defeat near Shakhtyorsk

Greetings, DNR: Ukrainian army suffers crushing defeat near Shakhtyorsk The militias have practically destroyed the 25th Ukrainian aero-mobile division and 30 armored vehicles and seized 2 infantry combat vehicles ©…

(Video update)Activists demand federal probe into CHP beating captured on video

(Video update)Activists demand federal probe into CHP beating captured on video

Greetings, Activists demand federal probe into CHP beating captured on video —…

US economic warfare on Argentina: Argentina fails to reach deal with US creditors

US economic warfare on Argentina: Argentina fails to reach deal with US creditors

Greetings, This is nothing more than imperial hubris. America is waging economic warfare on Argentina for the sake of Great Britain. She knows that Latin America, Africa, and Asia stand…

US, EU push Russia toward war

US, EU push Russia toward war

Greetings, US, EU push Russia toward war US President Barack Obama makes a statement on the situation in Ukraine on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, July…

Imperial Provocations: China accuses U.S. over military reconnaissance

Imperial Provocations: China accuses U.S. over military reconnaissance

Greetings, China accuses U.S. over military reconnaissance China’s Defense Ministry on Thursday accused the United States of regular reconnaissance by naval ships and aircraft in Chinese waters and airspace. “Vessels…

As the US & EU/NATO continue their belligerent war rants against Russia, the Shanghi Co-operation Organization warns the West to tread lightly!

As the US & EU/NATO continue their belligerent war rants against Russia, the Shanghi Co-operation Organization warns the West to tread lightly!

Greetings, Yes we know that America continues to up the ante’ with Russia visa vi the Western false flag downing of the Malaysian airliner a few weeks ago. NATO, the…

US Intel in a panic as they find that N. Korea may be closer to full ICBM test

US Intel in a panic as they find that N. Korea may be closer to full ICBM test

Greetings,  If America is the preeminent power without rival, and if she truly believes that she will remain in this position she has attached to herself, then why is she…

Six Philly cops indicted for kidnapping, extortion, robbery

Six Philly cops indicted for kidnapping, extortion, robbery

Greetings, Six Philly cops indicted for kidnapping, extortion, robbery (TOP L-R) Brian Reynolds, Michael Spicer, John Speiser (BOTTOM L-R) Linwood Norman, Perry Betts, Thomas Liciardello (RT / Philadelphia Police Department)(TOP…

America is desperate: Her lies, provocations, & policy has only cemented Russia’s position

America is desperate: Her lies, provocations, & policy has only cemented Russia’s position

Greetings, America is desperate. Usually whenever she can’t get what she wants through bribes, diplomacy, threats, and ect… she resorts to sanctions. By imposing sanctions she usually can cause undue…

Russia’s Top General warns US against moving NATO near Russia’s borders

Russia’s Top General warns US against moving NATO near Russia’s borders

Greetings, (As you read this article the headline might read….”Kiev’s Use of Aviation, Artillery Against Civilians Inadmissible – Russian General Staff.“But there is something in the underlying statements that caught…

(Satellite war imminent? US launches spy sats for orbital surveillance)– America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. S

(Satellite war imminent? US launches spy sats for orbital surveillance)– America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. S

Greetings,   The nations are gearing up for that great decisive battle in the sky. They are arming the land, sea, air, and outer space with every deadly weapon they…

Death Angels are working all across America: 8-year-old boy in Detroit killed by bullet that went through wall

Death Angels are working all across America: 8-year-old boy in Detroit killed by bullet that went through wall

Greetings, Every single day….every hour of the day the hand of death is taking hold of the people. The death angels are everywhere. Their work can be seen any and…

Top Financial Experts Say World War 3 Is Coming … Unless We Stop It(But you can’t)

Top Financial Experts Say World War 3 Is Coming … Unless We Stop It(But you can’t)

Greetings, (FYI: You cannot stop it. Why? It’s because….”The old world must be removed to make way for the new world. There is a universal struggle being waged by the…

(Video Incl.)Now we see why Messenger Muhammad stated….”In Berlin, Germany, the cold war between the East and West will soon erupt into a hot war. It will never be settled in peace.”

(Video Incl.)Now we see why Messenger Muhammad stated….”In Berlin, Germany, the cold war between the East and West will soon erupt into a hot war. It will never be settled in peace.”

Greetings, Remember that Germany is the economic and cultural, industrial, and technological powerhouse of Europe. A small portion of Germany wants to be allied with America..this portion has a lot…

Western False Flag Op….Nigeria bombing kills 6, injures 6

Western False Flag Op….Nigeria bombing kills 6, injures 6

Greetings, You can believe and know without a doubt that this another one of America’s(& other Western nations) false flag attack in Nigeria. Notice that Nigeria never experienced things to…

Now Gog & Magog are being let loose (US sanctions against Russia ‘pretext’ for war: Analyst)

Now Gog & Magog are being let loose (US sanctions against Russia ‘pretext’ for war: Analyst)

Greetings, Her blood lust is unquenchable. Her desire for war and constant war at that, is like breath is to life. She needs war, chaos, confusion, and the threat of…

The End Has Come & I’m Afraid We Will See Blood In The Streets

The End Has Come & I’m Afraid We Will See Blood In The Streets

Greetings, The doom of this world approaches and many of you do not understand why. I want to tell you that it is because the people of this world, the…

Obama’s U.S. Presidency Hangs by a Thread in Ukraine

Obama’s U.S. Presidency Hangs by a Thread in Ukraine

Greetings, Obama’s U.S. Presidency Hangs by a Thread in Ukraine Is Obama’s U.S. Presidency Now Crashing and Burning, in Ukraine? Kiev’s Government He Installed in February Seems Now Collapsing Eric…

While everyone is looking at Ukraine, Russia quietly deploys another destroyer to The Mediterranean

While everyone is looking at Ukraine, Russia quietly deploys another destroyer to The Mediterranean

Greetings, Everyone is looking at the crisis in Ukraine as being the linchpin to WW3, but they are wrong. Though Ukraine is connected to WW3, it is not the linchpin.…

Putin’s inner circle confirms it…War is coming to Europe!

Putin’s inner circle confirms it…War is coming to Europe!

Greetings, Yeah, that’s right. It’s coming. war is not too far off in the distant future for Europe. And when it arrives, as Messenger Elijah Muhammad states, it will be…