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From Russia with love — A message heard loud & clear in the halls of D.C. & Brussels

From Russia with love — A message heard loud & clear in the halls of D.C. & Brussels

Greetings, This fact should not be lost on anyone, be they journalists or diplomats. What took place on the early morning of April 14, by Russia’s strategic missile forces was a…

US loses big…Beijing set to seal Russian natural gas deal amid Ukraine crisis

US loses big…Beijing set to seal Russian natural gas deal amid Ukraine crisis

Greetings,   Beijing set to seal Russian natural gas deal amid Ukraine crisis Chinese workers construct a natural gas pipeline in Tanzania, Nov. 17, 2013. (File photo/Xinhua) Beijing’s refusal to…

Russia to take measures in case if NATO’s force configuration changes – Russian envoy

Greetings, Russia to take measures in case if NATO’s force configuration changes – Russian envoy © Collage: Voice of Russia Russia can take measures necessary to ensure its security, if…

This was a loud message intended for US & NATO leaders & officers…Russia fighter jet buzzed US destroyer: Pentagon

This was a loud message intended for US & NATO leaders & officers…Russia fighter jet buzzed US destroyer: Pentagon

A Russian fighter jet made several passes at low altitude near a US destroyer cruising in international waters in the Black Sea at the weekend, the Pentagon said Monday, branding…

After causing the crisis, the US threatens Russia with more sanctions for not bowing to Western policy dictates

After causing the crisis, the US threatens Russia with more sanctions for not bowing to Western policy dictates

Greetings, Isn’t this something? It is quite something to see if you can pick up on it. We have audio and video evidence of America and NATO nations funding opposition…

(Video Incl.)American sanctions on Russia… In this game Russian gas beats your paper!

(Video Incl.)American sanctions on Russia… In this game Russian gas beats your paper!

Greetings, The geopolitics that is being waged in Europe by the two so-called great powers of the white world is in shambles. Both are doing their best to put on…

NASA to go ahead with Dragon capsule SpaceX launch — She believes that if she can arm the space around the earth, she will be able to ward off the mother plane and those 1,500 little bombing tube-like planes aboard that were built specifically to destroy this world.

NASA to go ahead with Dragon capsule SpaceX launch — She believes that if she can arm the space around the earth, she will be able to ward off the mother plane and those 1,500 little bombing tube-like planes aboard that were built specifically to destroy this world.

The launch of a SpaceX rocket and its Dragon cargo capsule to the International Space Station will go ahead as scheduled Monday despite a glitch affecting a computer on the…

As NASA tries to build her flying saucer, know that ” You cannot build one like it(The Mother Plane) and get the same results. Your brains are limited.”

As NASA tries to build her flying saucer, know that ” You cannot build one like it(The Mother Plane) and get the same results. Your brains are limited.”

Greetings, This is something that this wicked nation should take heed of. They had better pay close attention to the reality of what is being said…”The vision of Ezekiel’s wheel…

Preparing for the war…Iran to hold special air defense drill: Cmdr.

Preparing for the war…Iran to hold special air defense drill: Cmdr.

Greetings,   Iran to hold special air defense drill: Cmdr. Iranian fighter jets drop bombs during a drill (file photo). A senior Iranian commander says the country will hold a…

After a string of strategic losses globally & in Syria, Western nations are desperate for war(‘Poison’ attack on central Syria town: NGO)

A regime air strike in Hama province of central Syria caused "suffocation and poisoning", an NGO said Saturday, while state media accused rebels of releasing chlorine gas. Elsewhere, fighting raged…

(Video Incl.)How Washington and its Allies Use Social Media to Topple Governments

(Video Incl.)How Washington and its Allies Use Social Media to Topple Governments

Greetings, The video below bares witness to the teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad on just how wicked and evil America is. It shows just how corrupt the government institutions and…

The atmosphere of madness under “NATO’s ‘Fogh’ of war”

Greetings, Anger is seething. Hatred is bristling. All things swept under a rug is now spilling out in the open. The intensity and vehement madness is raging across the entire Western world. They…

No Penicillin for her burning(economic gonorrhea) as it spreads…Nasdaq pain spreads; talk of correction grows

No Penicillin for her burning(economic gonorrhea) as it spreads…Nasdaq pain spreads; talk of correction grows

The tech-rich Nasdaq Composite Index skidded lower for the third week in a row, but this time it took the rest of the market down with it. The Nasdaq slumped…

They delight themselves in the making of war(NATO chief tasked with waging war on Russia)

They delight themselves in the making of war(NATO chief tasked with waging war on Russia)

Greetings, NATO doesn’t have to try so hard for war. All they have to do is wait. It’s coming, and coming very soon. These two power blocks will make war.…

Turning Point in US-NATO “Covert War”: ‘Syrian Army in Control of 90% of Lebanon-Syria Border Area

Greetings, Turning Point in US-NATO “Covert War”: ‘Syrian Army in Control of 90% of Lebanon-Syria Border Area By Global Research News Global Research Syrian army’s gains against foreign-backed militant groups…

This kind of thinking is sealing America’s doom! — Mississippi GOP Senate candidate: ‘I ain’t paying taxes’ for slavery ‘reparations’

A Republican Party U.S. Senate candidate from Mississippi hit a snag on Thursday when remarks emerged of him mocking African-Americans and Latinos. A 2006 radio broadcast with Mississippi state Sen.…

At the fall of the old world, there is a great noise of war(Russia warns NATO invery strong terms)

At the fall of the old world, there is a great noise of war(Russia warns NATO invery strong terms)

Greetings, Once again we are seeing an explosion in diplomatic norms. There is no agreement among the nations. None of them are thinking sanely. Confusion has engrossed the political ,as…

US Navy to test new “Star Wars” weapon

US Navy to test new “Star Wars” weapon

Greetings, US Navy to test new “Star Wars” weapon © Photo: ru.wikipedia.org The US Navy is about to test a new weapon, dubbed by the Navy’s research chief a “Star…

She is the cause of the troubled world…(Venezuelan President Maduro)US provoking coup in Venezuela

She is the cause of the troubled world…(Venezuelan President Maduro)US provoking coup in Venezuela

Greetings, What did we say concerning American wicked dealings with the nations and how the nations would react? We told you …”America has not only lost and is still losing…

(Video Incl.)They(nations) are being gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat [Europe and Asia] — US military buildup in Black Sea can lead to ‘war between nuclear powers’

(Video Incl.)They(nations) are being gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat [Europe and Asia] — US military buildup in Black Sea can lead to ‘war between nuclear powers’

Greetings, America knows that her time is limited so she is trying and doing everything to try to maintain her rule over the nations. She is even willing to provoke…

As Western Geopolitics Becomes More Belligerent & Threatening, Moscow Gives The Go Ahead For Advanced Mig-31BM Interceptors To Be Stationed in Western Russia(Near NATO nations)

As Western Geopolitics Becomes More Belligerent & Threatening, Moscow Gives The Go Ahead For Advanced Mig-31BM Interceptors To Be Stationed in Western Russia(Near NATO nations)

Greetings, Advanced Mig-31BM Interceptors Stationed in Western Russia MiG-31BM interceptor aircraft © RIA Novosti. Vladislav Belogrud  (RIA Novosti) – Modernized MiG-31BM interceptor aircraft have started combat alert duty at an…

Russia shows US that 2 can play the ABM game: Russian Lawmakers Approve Satellite Navigation Hub in US backyard in Nicaragua

Russia shows US that 2 can play the ABM game: Russian Lawmakers Approve Satellite Navigation Hub in US backyard in Nicaragua

Greetings, This has major geostrategic implications. If the latest move by Russia goes forward as planned, Russia will have a “Satellite Navigation Hub” in Nicaragua. This “Satellite Navigation Hub” in…

US deploys Greystone security organization(Blackwater) to Eastern Ukraine disguised as Ukrainian soldiers unit Falcon to suppress massive uprisings

US deploys Greystone security organization(Blackwater) to Eastern Ukraine disguised as Ukrainian soldiers unit Falcon to suppress massive uprisings

Greetings, There are reports coming out of Ukraine, Europe, and Russia which state that America has given the go ahead to the mercenary killing organization known as Greystone security to…

Commander: Enemies’ Policies Changed after Iran’s Air Defense Drills

Commander: Enemies’ Policies Changed after Iran’s Air Defense Drills

Greetings, Commander: Enemies’ Policies Changed after Iran’s Air Defense Drills     Introduction — Sayyad 2 medium range SAM with mobile launcher in the background. Click to enlarge What follows…

All Christians and their false religion Christianity is marked for extermination. Elijah Muhammad is warning you Black Man and Woman that you better accept your own God (Allah) and His true religion (Islam) b4 it is too late and you end up like this man!!! Hurry Hurry Hurry and make a decision!!! (Separation or Death)

By Messenger Elijah Muhammad I say with almost tears in my eyes: brothers and sisters give up believing in such a religion and join on to the religion (Islam) of…

The “Great Deceiver” is exposed: US lying to public on domestic and foreign issues

The “Great Deceiver” is exposed: US lying to public on domestic and foreign issues

Greetings, She is being exposed domestically and internationally as a liar and a deceiver. Her own population mistrusts this wicked and evil lying government. It is a shame when the…

In a show of confidence & strength, China shows off new aircraft carrier to US defence chief

Greetings, Isn’t this the sign of a paranoid former global hegemon? For years she has had the exclusive rights to major force of weapons(excluding Russia & Europe). Now she is…

(We are feeling the earth shaking under our feet across the country!)Series of small earthquakes rock Oklahoma in record seismic activity

(We are feeling the earth shaking under our feet across the country!)Series of small earthquakes rock Oklahoma in record seismic activity

Greetings, Oh America, “Know that it (the end) is near, even at the doors.” It is a great time. Day and night storms & Earthquakes are writhing the country. She…

Anglo corporations are using food as a weapon to make S. Africans bow: Hunger, anxiety as South African mining strike wears on

Anglo corporations are using food as a weapon to make S. Africans bow: Hunger, anxiety as South African mining strike wears on

Miner's wife Nomfanelo Jali hasn't been able to serve her family meat in a month and increasingly struggles to put anything on the table at all, as South Africa's long-running…

US tries to steal Pakistan’s gold(like it did to Ukraine) using the IMF, but Pakistan refuses

US tries to steal Pakistan’s gold(like it did to Ukraine) using the IMF, but Pakistan refuses

Greetings,    Boosting forex reserves: Pakistan refuses to sell $2.7b worth of gold says IMF According to the IMF’s staff report, the State Bank of Pakistan holds over 2 million…