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The Face-Off: China moves to deal with The US (UK, Israel, & India) provocative acts of terror Pt.2

The Face-Off: China moves to deal with The US (UK, Israel, & India) provocative acts of terror Pt.2

This is Part 2 of our 2 Part article so join in reading where you left off on Part 2…. Think about it. Right after this happened Chinese Foreign Minister…

The Face-Off: China moves to deal with The US (UK, Israel, & India) provocative acts of terror Pt.1

The Face-Off: China moves to deal with The US (UK, Israel, & India) provocative acts of terror Pt.1

Once again our sources and our information here at TheRedPillDiaries on Patreon & The Hiram’s 1555 Blog have been vindicated. We now have Sputnik News confirming that the so-called ‘India-branded…

Who benefits the most from the terrorist bombing in Pakistan killing 9 Chinese engineers?

Who benefits the most from the terrorist bombing in Pakistan killing 9 Chinese engineers?

лªÉçÕÕƬ£¬°Í»ù˹̹´ïËÕ£¬2021Äê7ÔÂ17ÈÕ Í¨Ñ¶£ºÖйú¸°°Í»ù˹̹¿ç²¿ÃÅÁªºÏ¹¤×÷×éµõÑäÓöÄÑͬ°û 7ÔÂ17ÈÕ£¬Öйú¸°°Í»ù˹̹¿ç²¿ÃÅÁªºÏ¹¤×÷×é×鳤¡¢Íâ½»²¿ÉæÍⰲȫ˾¸±Ë¾³¤Îâΰ£¨Ç°ÅÅ×óÎ壩ÓëÖйúפ°Í´óʹũÈÚ£¨Ç°ÅÅ×óËÄ£©´øÁìÏÖ³¡ÈËÔ±¼¯ÌåËàÁ¢Ä¬°§¡£ £¨Åä±¾ÉçͬÌâÎÄ×ָ壩 лªÉç¼ÇÕß ½¯³¬ Éã In the past few days the Chinese have been on a diplomatic onslaught. They have either sent parts of their foreign minister’s team…

Has America lost her technological edge militarily? – Reports: China’s KJ-500 AWACS are two generations ahead of U.S.

Has America lost her technological edge militarily? – Reports: China’s KJ-500 AWACS are two generations ahead of U.S.

This does not bode well with the declining American Empire if reports are true. And I do believe the validity of such reports, especially after we reported : They are…

Gamechanger set to give Pakistan air superiority in any conflict with India: Pakistan set to buy 36 J-10C jets with WS-10 engine

Gamechanger set to give Pakistan air superiority in any conflict with India: Pakistan set to buy 36 J-10C jets with WS-10 engine

“Pakistan will acquire 36 J-10C fighters from China by the end of 2021, or sometime in the first half of 2022,” said the Pakistan House for Strategic & International Affairs…

Chinese believe Trump spread COVID-19 to China to win trade war: Hence the reason for the US/Western smear campaign

Chinese believe Trump spread COVID-19 to China to win trade war: Hence the reason for the US/Western smear campaign

Beginning in early 2020, there has been a widespread saying on the Chinese Internet that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to China by the United States via the 7th World Military…

Russia’s Patience With Western Provocations Are Growing Thin & It’s Starting To Show

Russia’s Patience With Western Provocations Are Growing Thin & It’s Starting To Show

Russia is super pissed off over the recent open provocations by America’s Babylonian sister nation England (The UK/Britain). They are openly letting the world know just how close the Russian…

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 5

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 5

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World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 4

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 4

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World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 4

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 4

MAY 27, 2021 AT 12:00 PMUnlockedWorld War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 4… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

America’s ‘Asian Pivot’ is being met & rebuffed by growing Asian power

America’s ‘Asian Pivot’ is being met & rebuffed by growing Asian power

What did Messenger Elijah Muhammad say concerning America’s recent deployments and planned deployments of troops, armaments, warships, missiles, radars, and warplanes to the Asia Pacific area? He told us concerning…

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 3

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 3

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She is spending like there’s no tomorrow on Nuclear armaments for the coming thermonuclear war in Europe!

She is spending like there’s no tomorrow on Nuclear armaments for the coming thermonuclear war in Europe!

Because the time is very limited for America and the Western, America is not losing any efforts in her build up for the final showdown. She is preparing for her…

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 2

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 2

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World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 1

World War Now feat. professor Kevin Barrett – Part 1

  rce=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

News & Conspiracy with Professor Jim Fetzer

News & Conspiracy with Professor Jim Fetzer

This was a tense and powerful exchange of views!!! News & Conspiracy with Professor Jim Fetzer… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register…

The Palestine Dilemma: Real Time Collapse Of American Middle Eastern Power

The Palestine Dilemma: Real Time Collapse Of American Middle Eastern Power

U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, center right, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, center left, are seen before delivering a statement after their meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah,…

Everywhere we look we see judgment

Everywhere we look we see judgment

Those in the know understand that America is being curtailed of her sides by a power higher than she. Everywhere we look we see judgment. No matter where we turn…

More Signs Of ‘The Judgment’ of America

More Signs Of ‘The Judgment’ of America

It is very clear for anyone who have their eyes opened to see.  The nation of America is folding up under divine chastisement. This fact of life is just something you…

Global Biowarfare: The American Empire is dying & is making preparations to kill you if given the chance to do so!!(Pt.2)

Global Biowarfare: The American Empire is dying & is making preparations to kill you if given the chance to do so!!(Pt.2)

This is Part 2 of our 2 Part Report/Article. So before Part 2 starts we will refresh you a little with the last few articles from Part 1. This will…

Global Biowarfare: The American Empire is dying & is making preparations to kill you if given the chance to do so!!(Pt.1)

Global Biowarfare: The American Empire is dying & is making preparations to kill you if given the chance to do so!!(Pt.1)

This is part One of a Two part Report/Article!! Who would have ever thought that nations would be openly mocking the so-called world’s sole Super Power, but this is the…

Global News Brief: The Syrian Pot Is Boiling & They’re Preparing For War!

Global News Brief: The Syrian Pot Is Boiling & They’re Preparing For War!

I just got this little bit of information about an hour ago! And what it is showing is that nations are mobilizing their militaries for something. Sources are telling me…

China Savagely Breaks Through America’s So-called ‘Exclusive Sphere Of Influence’

China Savagely Breaks Through America’s So-called ‘Exclusive Sphere Of Influence’

As America tries to retain global dominance and rebuff a quickly rising China in Asia and a re-emerging Russia in Europe, she is quickly finding that the world is changing…

The Global Implosion-pt6 (Feat. Professor Dennis Etler)

The Global Implosion-pt6 (Feat. Professor Dennis Etler)

https://streamable.com/r1t6nc… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

Israeli Regime Gets Hit Hard Again By Iran & the Resistance

Israeli Regime Gets Hit Hard Again By Iran & the Resistance

Israel gets hit again by covert operations. In a display of unthought of strategic reach, Iran, Hezbollah, & Syrian forces have been able to carryout bold and daring operations on…

The Global Implosion(Feat. Professor Dennis Etler)-pt5

The Global Implosion(Feat. Professor Dennis Etler)-pt5

https://streamable.com/4ebx04… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

Syrian/Iranian missile strike in Israel: Iran & the Axis of Resistance sends stern message to Israel about its bluster to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities

Syrian/Iranian missile strike in Israel: Iran & the Axis of Resistance sends stern message to Israel about its bluster to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities

As we have told you in our previous article In retaliation for the Zionist attack on the Nantanz nuclear facility … Iran, Syria, & Hezbollah carry out Successful covert action…

In retaliation for the Zionist attack on the Nantanz nuclear facility… Iran, Syria, & Hezbollah carry out Successful covert action in Occupied Palestine (Israel)

In retaliation for the Zionist attack on the Nantanz nuclear facility… Iran, Syria, & Hezbollah carry out Successful covert action in Occupied Palestine (Israel)

Yes indeed…you heard it first here. The Iranian Al-Quds forces along side Hezbollah special forces under the directions of Syrian Tiger forces and intelligence gathered by Syria’s Intelligence Agency carried…

The Global Implosion Pt.4 (Ft. Professor Dennis Etler)

The Global Implosion Pt.4 (Ft. Professor Dennis Etler)

https://streamable.com/jychzg… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

Someone’s preparing for war: J-16 and H-6 believed to simulate attack on USS Roosevelt

Someone’s preparing for war: J-16 and H-6 believed to simulate attack on USS Roosevelt

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense on April 12, 25 mainland Chinese military aircraft were present in the Taiwan Strait. Among these 25 military aircraft, a total of 14…