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Exclusive: ‘TheRedPillDiaries’ News Brief on US Sec. of State Mike Pompeo’s trip to India with eyes on China, Russia, Pakistan, & N. Korea

Exclusive: ‘TheRedPillDiaries’ News Brief on US Sec. of State Mike Pompeo’s trip to India with eyes on China, Russia, Pakistan, & N. Korea

Mark Esper, U.S. secretary of defense, from left, Michael Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State, Rajnath Singh, India’s defense minister, and Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s foreign minister, attend a news conference at…

Exposed: The Political Division of The Empire

Exposed: The Political Division of The Empire

The great divisions that you now see playing out in the West, specifically here in America over its Presidential elections were all foretold by Messenger Elijah Muhammad. He warned America…

Unchecked US Imperialism is leading the world to war

Unchecked US Imperialism is leading the world to war

No matter the geography of the nation, America is always trying to dictate to, destabilize, overthrow, and cower any nation that is in opposition to her policy of domination and…

Nations are making mock of America: The threats & boasts of the international ‘Goliath’ has lost their savor!

Nations are making mock of America: The threats & boasts of the international ‘Goliath’ has lost their savor!

We who have eyes to see can certainly see & understand that we are living in the end of American power. All signs are pointing towards a dramatic rolling up…

Everybody’s picking sides now & this is major: Following the Strategic moves by China & Iran, Russia now weighs going all in militarily with Iran after arms embargo expiration

Everybody’s picking sides now & this is major: Following the Strategic moves by China & Iran, Russia now weighs going all in militarily with Iran after arms embargo expiration

We can’t by the latest political, geopolitical, and economic moves that nations are starting to pick sides and show it in the public. There was a time when moves like…

The Coming Economic Collapse: A talk with Greg Mannarino on politics, finance & geopolitics

The Coming Economic Collapse: A talk with Greg Mannarino on politics, finance & geopolitics

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The Chaotic Super Power swinging to & fro

The Chaotic Super Power swinging to & fro

With the American economic in total disarray and spiraling completely out of control we now see the political elite warring and positioning themselves inside of an already imploding system for…

Black Economic Empowerment (All 3 clips)

Black Economic Empowerment (All 3 clips)

… This content is for Premium members only. Please login to view this content. (Register here.)…

The War Dance Continues & We’re Nearing The End Of The Song

The War Dance Continues & We’re Nearing The End Of The Song

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley meets with Chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov in Bern, Switzerland, Dec. 18, 2019. (DOD photo…

This is a loud warning to the West & the Chinese aren’t playing: If the US and Taiwan don’t take the mainland’s red line seriously, war will come

This is a loud warning to the West & the Chinese aren’t playing: If the US and Taiwan don’t take the mainland’s red line seriously, war will come

I think that US war planners and the top politicians better heed the call of the Chinese when it comes to their core interests and especially concerning the status of…

‘The Great War Deployment & What it Means’ – Large Contingent of Russian Naval Forces Deploy Opposite US/NATO Forces Off The Coast of syria

‘The Great War Deployment & What it Means’ – Large Contingent of Russian Naval Forces Deploy Opposite US/NATO Forces Off The Coast of syria

This pic is a rendition of US/NATO forces opposite Russian naval forces courtesy of Rasheed Muhammad & The Hiram’s1555 blog We are back with a few gems to drop on…

Unsustainable US debt level a cause for concern

Unsustainable US debt level a cause for concern

US Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington DC Photo: Xinhua It is no secret that the US national debt is on an unsustainable path, but the question is how far it…

Anger Rising Up In Her Midst

Anger Rising Up In Her Midst

Don’t think that the American government and her officials are not aware of the time. They definitely know that the Time is against them. This is why they are frantically…

Exiled Tibetans in India’s ‘special force’ are only ‘cannon fodder’

Exiled Tibetans in India’s ‘special force’ are only ‘cannon fodder’

Indian army troopers arrive at the site of a gunfight inside India’s Border Security Force (BSF) camp in Srinagar, summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir, Oct. 3, 2017. An Indian border…

Proof that Elijah Muhammad did not lie….Black newborns in US more likely to die when cared for by White doctors

Proof that Elijah Muhammad did not lie….Black newborns in US more likely to die when cared for by White doctors

We who have any kind of knowledge of self already understood that our women are the target. The doctors are conducting a covert war of genocide. They are pretending to…

Bloodlust: The Empire’s Unquenchable Thirst for War With Iran!

Bloodlust: The Empire’s Unquenchable Thirst for War With Iran!

This is just how the Empire gets down. Her hypocrisy has reached such heights that no even her vassal state allies can take it anymore. Her public display of contempt…

She is trying to prevent the rise & Independence of Africa under the guise of fighting terror…US Special Ops secretly active in almost half of Africa

She is trying to prevent the rise & Independence of Africa under the guise of fighting terror…US Special Ops secretly active in almost half of Africa

Understand what is going on. This is not fighting terror. Hell, there was no terror to fight until America, England, and the rest of the European nations invaded, pillaged, plundered,…

The Political Gloom over Amerikkka! – Washington at impasse over virus bill as millions lose jobless benefits

The Political Gloom over Amerikkka! – Washington at impasse over virus bill as millions lose jobless benefits

The present promise of a better future that America is making to the so-called Negroes will prove to be false. Why? It is because the time of her doom has…

The Temptress of the sea is provoking the nations to war!

The Temptress of the sea is provoking the nations to war!

Once again we can see that America is living up to the very letter of what the prophets of old wrote of her history. She is showing herself to the…

The Empire is a step away from total collapse

The Empire is a step away from total collapse

As each day passes the politicians & war leaders of the empire become more and more desperate. China has become their main immediate threat, because they know that the Chinese…

Breaking Middle Eastern News: It’s Gonna Be A Very Hot Summer!

Breaking Middle Eastern News: It’s Gonna Be A Very Hot Summer!

It looks like we are standing on the edge of war in the Middle Eastern arena. The situation as it now stands is so volatile that the any moment we…

‘The Time’ wherein there will be no jobs has come!

‘The Time’ wherein there will be no jobs has come!

I recall people mocking Messenger Elijah Muhammad over his divine pronouncements. You once laughed when he forewarned you not to rely on America and how you should forsake America and…

The Daughters of Babylon must sit down in the dust (of poverty)

The Daughters of Babylon must sit down in the dust (of poverty)

The daughters of Babylon have fallen on a heavy burden and this heavy burden that they will not be able to lift is the burden of the Judgment which is…

The war drums are getting louder so Gog & Magog are preparing for their last dance

The war drums are getting louder so Gog & Magog are preparing for their last dance

The powerful rich nation of America is made to seem as immovable as the mountains through her media and propaganda wings. They are becoming quite desperate these days as the…

Twilight of the Republic: The days of ‘American Exceptionalism’ are over!

Twilight of the Republic: The days of ‘American Exceptionalism’ are over!

The build up for war continues. The provocations, threats, and insults continue to be hurled between West & East. The fizz is now bubbling over into face-offs, war games, &…

The Continent of North America Has Entered A Very Perilous Time!

The Continent of North America Has Entered A Very Perilous Time!

When we take the glasses of illusion of a recovery and a prosperous future for North America, we then can see, if we want to see, that The North American…

You are watching Babylon (America) the Great falling right before your eyes!

You are watching Babylon (America) the Great falling right before your eyes!

Things seem to be moving at breakneck speed just as I told you in earlier articles. Now the news is slowly releasing what will become very obvious soon. They know…

Posturing for the coming Thermonuclear war: The war in Europe will be one for the record books

Posturing for the coming Thermonuclear war: The war in Europe will be one for the record books

The war in Europe will be one for the record books. As the European continent & the so-called global powers are reduced to nothing, this will definitely be a sight…

Explosive! The Syrian powder keg is igniting…

Explosive! The Syrian powder keg is igniting…

Burning fuse of a firecracker Things are heating up in the Middle Eastern theater. Russia and America continue to push and pry at each others resolve to confront the other…

Headed To Zero: Crash, Depression, Currency War, World War

Headed To Zero: Crash, Depression, Currency War, World War

The news just keeps getting more gloomy for the Middle East. From Syria to Libya, to Somalia, to Yemen, To Mali, to Iraq and the surrounding nations everything has been…