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China surpasses US in radar tech: PLA’s airborne radar system touted as ‘best in world’

China surpasses US in radar tech: PLA’s airborne radar system touted as ‘best in world’

Greetings,  PLA’s airborne radar system touted as ‘best in world’ The KJ200 early warning and control system. (File photo/CNS) Hong Kong military commentator Leung Guo-liang says China’s airborne early warning…

Russian energy giants launch counter-strike to US sanctions by dumping dollar transactions

Greetings, Russia has become fed up with American economic adventurism. These nations are vying for primacy over the others one. This drive to overcome the other one is pushing them…

(Video)Who Pulls the Strings in US Foreign Policy Implementation?

(Video)Who Pulls the Strings in US Foreign Policy Implementation?

Greetings, Who Pulls the Strings in US Foreign Policy Implementation?…

Russia Overtakes U.S. in Nuclear Warhead Deployment

Russia Overtakes U.S. in Nuclear Warhead Deployment

Greetings, Russia Overtakes U.S. in Nuclear Warhead Deployment By Matthew Bodner Alexander Demianchuk/Reuters Soldier salutes crowds during the Moscow Victory Day Parades in May 2014. With 1,643 nuclear warheads deployed,…



PETRODOLLAR POLITICS: HOW THE US IS OILING THE WHEELS OF RUSSIAN INSTABILITY BY JOHN WARD Why the oil price drop and the Dollar’s rise look more like manipulation than coincidence…

“If Something Rattles This Ponzi Scheme, Life In America Will Change Overnight”

“If Something Rattles This Ponzi Scheme, Life In America Will Change Overnight”

Greetings, “If Something Rattles This Ponzi Scheme, Life In America Will Change Overnight” Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, I know that headline sounds completely outrageous. But…

The build-up for war in Europe continues — US tanks arrive in Baltics

The build-up for war in Europe continues — US tanks arrive in Baltics

Greetings, And you still don’t see the military build up of forces in Europe for the coming thermonuclear war that will reduce the European continent to a wasteland? If you…

Putin: Actions of foreign governments absolutely foolish(We will dump the dollar)

Putin: Actions of foreign governments absolutely foolish(We will dump the dollar)

Greetings,  (Note: In this article you must read closely and comprehend what is being said by President Vladamir Putin. He is openly telling the world that Russia’s policy is focused…

US in fear…Chinese spy satellites ‘might threaten navy’

US in fear…Chinese spy satellites ‘might threaten navy’

Chinese spy satellites ‘might threaten navy’ OCEAN STEALTH:A remote sensing satellite launched by China last month is able to conduct ocean surveillance and collate satellite data to target ships at…

(Video)Russian vice Premier warns NATO that they will use military force if US tries color revolution in Trans-nistria

(Video)Russian vice Premier warns NATO that they will use military force if US tries color revolution in Trans-nistria

Greetings, Russian warns NATO that they will use military force in US tries color revolution in Trans-nistria…

More war provocations: Ukraine gives NATO friends access to state secrets

More war provocations: Ukraine gives NATO friends access to state secrets

Ukraine gives NATO friends access to state secrets Source: Pravda.Ru On October 1, the Ukrainian government adopted several decisions to simplify access to a number of state secrets of the…

Syrian deputy FM warns Turkey that any military operation inside Syria will be deemed an act of war!

Syrian deputy FM warns Turkey that any military operation inside Syria will be deemed an act of war!

Greetings, (Note: This warning comes on the back of the recent approval by the Turkish parliament giving Erdogan the Presidential authority to bomb & send troops into Iraq and Syria.…

(Video Inc.)She is trying her best to stave off sudden collapse of the empire — US seeks permanent military footprint in Mideast

Greetings, She is trying her best to stave off suddenly collapse of the empire. With her build up of might of arms and her constant provocations, she is trying to…

The root cause of the troubled world…US policies lead to mayhem everywhere

The root cause of the troubled world…US policies lead to mayhem everywhere

Greetings, We can’t say this enough. America is the root cause of instability, war, poverty, hunger, and division the world over. It is her policies that lie at the root…

Pushing for war: The mind of America is that she has been top dog so long, she can’t conceive of another power or nation usurping her position

Pushing for war: The mind of America is that she has been top dog so long, she can’t conceive of another power or nation usurping her position

Greetings, The mind of America is that she has been top dog so long, she can’t conceive of another power or nation usurping her position. This has her consumed. Her…

Prepare for war…Pentagon should be ready to respond militarily to Russia and China, US official says

Prepare for war…Pentagon should be ready to respond militarily to Russia and China, US official says

Greetings, (Note: Can you believe this? America is involved in 145 covert and overt wars around the globe that we know of. She is bombing and destabilizing nation after nation.…

West playing dirty tricks in Ukraine crisis: Analyst

West playing dirty tricks in Ukraine crisis: Analyst

Greetings, West playing dirty tricks in Ukraine crisis: Analyst A famous political expert says the US-led Western countries are playing ‘dirty tricks’ in the ongoing conflict in the troubled eastern…

US seeking to Balkanize Middle East: International lawyer

US seeking to Balkanize Middle East: International lawyer

Greetings, US seeking to Balkanize Middle East: International lawyer The US government is pursuing the “destabilization” and a “perpetual conflict” in the Middle East in order to “Balkanize” the countries…

Report: To fill short term gap, Russia may purchase advanced warships from China

Report: To fill short term gap, Russia may purchase advanced warships from China

Greetings, China’s warships perfect fit for Russian navy, says magazine The Yueyang, a Type 054A frigate, during the commissioning ceremony on May 3, 2013. (File photo/ CNS) The August issue…

‘Russia’s after Sixth Generation unmanned attack jet’

‘Russia’s after Sixth Generation unmanned attack jet’

Greetings, ‘Russia’s after Sixth Generation unmanned attack jet’ Russia is actively developing an unmanned sixth generation aircraft, said a former Air Force commander. Unlike NATO allies who will use American…

Wicked America: When she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing

Wicked America: When she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing

Greetings, No matter how hard they may try to act upstanding, moral, and ethical, in the end their true nature shines through. Evil roles out of everything they do just…

RUSSIA THREATENS TO RETALIATE AGAINST U.S. MILITARY Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow

RUSSIA THREATENS TO RETALIATE AGAINST U.S. MILITARY  Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow

Greetings, RUSSIA THREATENS TO RETALIATE AGAINST U.S. MILITARY Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow Source: www.wnd.com TEL AVIV – Russia has delivered a behind-the-scenes threat to retaliate if airstrikes…

Poland warns France on warship deal with Russia

Poland warns France on warship deal with Russia

Greetings, Poland warns France on warship deal with Russia Poland on Monday said a possible French deal to supply Russia with warships was making it difficult for Warsaw to choose…

On the heels of a major naval, troops, and aerial deployment near European conflict zones, Russia deploys advanced S-400 Air-defense systems

On the heels of a major naval, troops, and aerial deployment near European conflict zones, Russia deploys advanced S-400 Air-defense systems

Greetings, (Note: I want you to pay attention to the deployment of these advanced air defense systems. Also something to note is Russia is also building up an naval armada…

Did The Winter War Just Begin? Russian Gas Supplies To Europe Plunge 15%, Ukraine Transit Slashed 54%

Did The Winter War Just Begin? Russian Gas Supplies To Europe Plunge 15%, Ukraine Transit Slashed 54%

Greetings, Did The Winter War Just Begin? Russian Gas Supplies To Europe Plunge 15%, Ukraine Transit Slashed 54% Just a week ago, the Russian energy minister made the first public…

Russia plans to quickly exit Dollar trade for Rubles

Russia could ditch US dollar in 2-3 years – head of Russia’s #2 bank ​Two to three years would be enough time for Russia to switch to international settlements to…

China is on a mission to push America out of the East: PLA to buy 700 stealth fighters, says Jane’s

Greetings, China is on a mission. What is her mission? Her mission is to chase down this American white man just like he did our Red Indian brothers here in…

Meltdown America Documentary(trailer)

Meltdown America Documentary(trailer)

Greetings, Meltdown America Documentary…

(Video Incl.)The two great power of the old world order or Western world are being let loose against each other

(Video Incl.)The two great power of the old world order or Western world are being let loose against each other

Greetings, The two great power of the old world order or Western world are being let loose against each other. Both want more influence. Both want to put themselves in…

NATO shivers as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says: High time to rearm, Moscow’s military upgrade long overdue

NATO shivers as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says: High time to rearm, Moscow’s military upgrade long overdue

Greetings, Lavrov: High time to rearm, Moscow’s military upgrade long overdue Russia’s investment in its military is not a sign of a looming new arms race but rather a long-overdue…