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Black teen’s death in Madison to ‘exacerbate racial tensions’ in US

Greetings, Black teen’s death in Madison to ‘exacerbate racial tensions’ in US The recent police killing of an unarmed black teenager in Madison, Wisconsin, is further example of the level…

US War Games In Europe…Russia’s War Games In Latin America: Venezuelan, Russian Troops Stage Large-Scale Military Exercises

US War Games In Europe…Russia’s War Games In Latin America: Venezuelan, Russian Troops Stage Large-Scale Military Exercises

Greetings, America deploys weapons and troops close to Russia’s borders provocatively and is commencing war games . Now the shoe is on the preverbal other foot. Venezuelan, Russian Troops Stage…

“US-NATO Military Operations Aimed at Russia”: This Is a Declaration of War

“US-NATO Military Operations Aimed at Russia”: This Is a Declaration of War

“US-NATO Military Operations Aimed at Russia”: This Is a Declaration of War   By Bruce Gagnon Global Research At times I feel completely overwhelmed by the current US-NATO military operations…

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Town in Hasaka

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Town in Hasaka

Greetings, Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Town in Hasaka The army units prevented the ISIL terrorists from completing their offensive on the town of…

Incase NATO war-mongers missed it: CSTO has 22,000 well-trained elite troops to protect members’ sovereignty — CSTO chief

Incase NATO war-mongers missed it: CSTO has 22,000 well-trained elite troops to protect members’ sovereignty — CSTO chief

Greetings, CSTO has 22,000 well-trained elite troops to protect members’ sovereignty — CSTO chief The Collective Security Treaty Organization has all necessary forces and means for protecting the integrity and…

Washington’s military moves near Russia’s border could ‘end in nuclear war’

Washington’s military moves near Russia’s border could ‘end in nuclear war’

Greetings, Washington’s military moves near Russia’s border could ‘end in nuclear war’ American columnist Stephen Lendman has warned of a nuclear war due to Washington’s provocative military measures near Russia’s…

Displaying a firm resolve to Western provocations, Russia Launches Simultaneous Military Drills in West, South, Far East

Displaying a firm resolve to Western provocations, Russia Launches Simultaneous Military Drills in West, South, Far East

Greetings, Russia Launches Simultaneous Military Drills in West, South, Far East According to Russian Defense Ministry a series of military exercises with live firing was launched simultaneously in Russia’s southern…

They are a house divided

They are a house divided

Greetings, The collapse of agreement and government cohesion marks the end of America. Allah is now waging strategic war against these evil people and they can’t see it nor understand…

The delusional former super power

Greetings, I know that for the average observer & onlooking politicians around the globe it is astonishing how American officials continue making things worse for their nation and empire. This…

US creating false intelligence on Russia

US creating false intelligence on Russia

Greetings, US creating false intelligence on Russia…

China developing new DF-31 for multiple warheads: US official

China developing new DF-31 for multiple warheads: US official

China developing new DF-31 for multiple warheads: US official Launch vehicles for the DF-31A ICBM. (Internet photo) China appears to be developing a new variant of the solid-fuel, road-mobile DF-31…

Neo-confederate Klan ‘Wizardess’ erected pro-KKK billboard near historic Selma bridge

Neo-confederate Klan ‘Wizardess’ erected pro-KKK billboard near historic Selma bridge

Greetings, Neo-confederate Klan ‘Wizardess’ erected pro-KKK billboard near historic Selma bridge billboard honoring the founder of the Ku Klux Klan now stands within sight the historic bridge in Selma, Alabama…

US War on ISIS a Trojan Horse

US War on ISIS a Trojan Horse

Greetings,   US War on ISIS a Trojan Horse By Ulson Gunnar “ICH” – “NEO” – In August of 2013, even as the words came out of US President Barack…

Former German Spy | Ukraine is US revenge to Russia for Syria | Eng. Subs

Former German Spy | Ukraine is US revenge to Russia for Syria | Eng. Subs

Greetings, Former German Spy | Ukraine is US revenge to Russia for Syria | Eng. Subs…

Russia to match US lethal aid to Ukraine: Top US diplomat

Russia to match US lethal aid to Ukraine: Top US diplomat

Greetings, Russia to match US lethal aid to Ukraine: Top US diplomat Ukrainian military men load a vehicle next to a multiple rocket launcher system onto a cargo train at…

NATO had to do a double take…Over 40 Russian Fighter Jet Crews Hold Airstrike Drills in Barents Sea

NATO had to do a double take…Over 40 Russian Fighter Jet Crews Hold Airstrike Drills in Barents Sea

Greetings, Over 40 Russian Fighter Jet Crews Hold Airstrike Drills in Barents Sea Russian Defense Minister stated that more than 40 Russian fighter jet crews practiced destroying enemy missiles and…

International Space Station ‘Lost’ Without Russia, Says NASA Chief

International Space Station ‘Lost’ Without Russia, Says NASA Chief

Greetings, International Space Station ‘Lost’ Without Russia, Says NASA Chief A top NASA official confirmed Wednesday that the US has no backup plan to maintain the International Space Station if…

The Economic War Heats Up…Big Mac Attack: Russian Politicians Debate Exiling McDonald’s and Coca Cola

The Economic War Heats Up…Big Mac Attack: Russian Politicians Debate Exiling McDonald’s and Coca Cola

Greetings, Big Mac Attack: Russian Politicians Debate Exiling McDonald’s and Coca Cola A senior Russian lawmaker has started a debate in the country’s political circles by insisting that Russia should…

America pushes the limits of what’s economically tolerated: US freezes $640mn in sanctioned Russian bank assets

America pushes the limits of what’s economically tolerated: US freezes $640mn in sanctioned Russian bank assets

Greetings, US freezes $640mn in sanctioned Russian bank assets The US has frozen accounts of Russian banks SMP, Rossiya and its subsidiary Sobinbank worth in total $640 million, as part…

US threatening Russia with thermonuclear war over Ukraine: Author

US threatening Russia with thermonuclear war over Ukraine: Author

Greetings, US threatening Russia with thermonuclear war over Ukraine: Author The United States and its European allies are seeking to overthrow the Russian government by escalating the confrontation with Moscow…

(Video In.)No “Justice” for Black America under “old glory”

(Video In.)No “Justice” for Black America under “old glory”

Greetings, It is hard to get it in the heads of Black America, but through the winds of war, death, and brutality, they will come to a decision. As the…

They are building up their forces with you in mind America – China developing a stealth bomber

They are building up their forces with you in mind America – China developing a stealth bomber

Greetings, China developing a stealth bomber Concept art for China’s future H-20 bomber. (Internet Photo) China is developing a new stealth bomber called the H-20 to firm up the PLA…

This is America….Blame the victim: Ferguson Police Seek Criminal Charges for Michael Brown’s Mother – Report

This is America….Blame the victim: Ferguson Police Seek Criminal Charges for Michael Brown’s Mother – Report

Greetings, Can you not see the need for separation? You will never receive justice or a square deal under ol’ glory. America was not founded in a way of respecting…

War above the clouds…Russia hits US hard in retaliatory missile strike in space

War above the clouds…Russia hits US hard in retaliatory missile strike in space

Greetings, It has been censored in the news and glossed over, but war between America and Russia is going physical. American and Western news/propaganda organizations are trying to minimize and…

The viciousness and brutality of the American government and her institutions of so-called law enforcements against black Americans cannot be denied.

Greetings, The viciousness and brutality of the American government and her institutions of so-called law enforcements against black Americans cannot be denied. It is ingrained into the very core and…

The Decayed Republic

The Decayed Republic

Greetings, So strong is Allah’s love for us that He now desires nothing but a total destruction of America. So we see His desires now in full effect. The whole…

Russia Warns NATO: Any Threat In Ukraine Will See Military Response

Russia Warns NATO: Any Threat In Ukraine Will See Military Response

Greetings, Russia Warns NATO: Any Threat In Ukraine Will See Military Response As Russia announces the expansion of its Navy by 50 vessels this year, including two new nuclear-powered submarines…

Chicago activists demand closure of alleged Police ‘Black Site’

Chicago activists demand closure of alleged Police ‘Black Site’

Greetings,   Chicago activists demand closure of alleged Police ‘Black Site’ …”The American white people are more concerned about mistreating the Black once-slave of America than America is concerned with…

4 More Victims Come Forward From Chicago Secret Prison, Man Tortured Over Weed

4 More Victims Come Forward From Chicago Secret Prison, Man Tortured Over Weed

Greetings, 4 More Victims Come Forward From Chicago Secret Prison, Man Tortured Over Weed Cassius Methyl February 27, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) Chicago, IL — Four more victims of incarceration at Chicago’s…

Moody’s should label this “Junk” – Pentagon’s most expensive fighter ever won’t even be able to carry the most advanced weapons because of design flaw

Moody’s should label this “Junk” – Pentagon’s most expensive fighter ever won’t even be able to carry the most advanced weapons because of design flaw

Greetings, Pentagon’s most expensive fighter ever won’t even be able to carry the most advanced weapons because of design flaw Fighter jet F-35B’s internal weapons bay is too small for…