The Decayed Republic


deru4So strong is Allah’s love for us that He now desires nothing but a total destruction of America. So we see His desires now in full effect. The whole system is failing. The republic is dying. And the people are terrified.

deru2We knew that this day would come. They knew it too, but had become inebriated on super power status that they thought that they would be able to defeat God in His plans of their removal.

America has been blessed ever since her fathers came across the Atlantic out of the confines of Europe until this day. Now for her evil done to her slaves, God threatens her with total destruction.

deru3Today the Black man in America is a prey into the strong, powerful hands of his enemies. Allah is now taking away her blessing of wealth, power, stature, independence, and unity. It is all being broken.

Can America exist with all of her wicked doings against the Black man in America in a state of inequality with other human beings? I say emphatically no! She must suffer as she has caused others to suffer.

California Rental Armageddon: Nearly half of Los Angeles adults doubling up, working class moving out, or you have the option of simply living in poverty.


California like the rest of nation has gained a large number of rental households. Many of these households were formed from the ashes of the 1 million completed foreclosures. Over the last ten years the nation has lost 1 million net homeowner households and has gained a whopping 10 million rental households. L.A. County with roughly 10 million residents is predominately a renter county.

Over the last ten years the large gain in California households has come in the form of rentals. Maybe you find living with roommates deep into your 30s and 40s as awesome or maybe you enjoy living a Spartan lifestyle just so you can pay your monthly rent while hearing helicopters overhead in your hipster neighborhood.

Every piece of research simply shows that people are being pushed into spending more money on housing. Some say move out. Well guess what? Many middle class Californians are doing just that.

The rental and housing market has gone into full on financial Armageddon mode yet in typical California fashion, the sun keeps glowing brightly. Ironically over time people think it is normal to dump every nickel you have into housing. Let us look at three trends impacting the rental market in California.

Moving out
The urge to buy real estate is a deeply rooted American concept, although Millennials might be changing their tune. For the majority of the country, buying a home is a simple endeavor. With your typical house costing $200,000 and with low interest rates, simply having the median household income is good enough to not have your home consume every penny of your income.

But in California, we have $700,000 crap shacks that look as if a two-year old developed it in their first art experiments. In the last couple of years, there is a vocal group saying “hey, if you can’t make it in California get out!” Apparently some people are listening to this….More Here

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