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(3vids In.)The Cold War is starting to warm up – US/NATO could trigger all-out war with Russia over intransigent Ukrainian policy

(3vids In.)The Cold War is starting to warm up – US/NATO could trigger all-out war with Russia over intransigent Ukrainian policy

Greetings, America and NATO have become unhinged. In their quest for global domination and geopolitical advantage over Russia the Western political and military leaders have been blinded by the lust…

(10vids In.)In the East/West face-off over Ukraine, the winds of (thermonuclear) war are blowing across the European landscape

(10vids In.)In the East/West face-off over Ukraine, the winds of (thermonuclear) war are blowing across the European landscape

Greetings, We have known this for a long time being up from slavery, and now others are starting to recognize this fact. America is wicked beyond your and my imagination.…

Western countries declare economic war on Russia — Russian Railways CEO

Greetings, Western countries declare economic war on Russia — Russian Railways CEO Russia is going to make friends and cooperate with those who want a balanced world Vladimir Yakunin, the…

Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports

Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports

    Greetings,  Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported, citing an airbase employee that Ukrainian air force Su-25 combat jet took off…

(Vid)’Why is CIA planting covert agents in allied counties?’ – Former MI5 officer

(Vid)’Why is CIA planting covert agents in allied counties?’ – Former MI5 officer

Greetings,  ‘Why is CIA planting covert agents in allied counties?’ – Former MI5 officer…

Russian naval base resumes in Crimea

Russian naval base resumes in Crimea

Greetings, Russian naval base resumes in Crimea The headquarters are in Sevastopol, where until March 19 were the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy The Crimean naval base, a part of…

It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin

It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin

Greetings, It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin The EU has a remorseless urge to draw the cradle of Russian identity into its own empire,…

All the Signs of Impending Ukraine Collapse

All the Signs of Impending Ukraine Collapse

Greetings, All the Signs of Impending Ukraine Collapse This article originally appeared at No Bread & Circuses for You Kiev of course has not collapsed yet, and it may somehow…

Obama Signs in “Lethal Aid” to Ukraine. Now for the Russian Response US upped the ante to goad Russia into matching

Obama Signs in “Lethal Aid” to Ukraine. Now for the Russian Response US upped the ante to goad Russia into matching Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge) As we explained previously, quietly…

Proof that the world is headed for war!

Greetings, By now it should be ever so clear that Russia and America are preparing for war and are trying to position themselves for advantage. Nothing could be made any…

Russia is warning the West – Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam

Russia is warning the West – Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam

Greetings, Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam Earlier aircraft incursions near Alaska and Europe Russian strategic bombers conducted a third circumnavigation of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam last week…

Poverty has spread across the Western world

Poverty has spread across the Western world

Greetings, Poverty has spread across the Western world. They can find no refuge or safety zone as the judgment jumps international borders without respect of nations. This situation is worsening…

The falling away: US, EU ‘parting ways’ on Russia strategy

Greetings, How can you continue to deny such clear and evident truth being displayed before you daily? We see the workings of prophecy unfold on a global scale daily. This…

(Inc. 3 Vids)Full off of madness, but begging for war!

Greetings, The echoes of war are reverberating across the entire global landscape. There is no peace anywhere nor can there be peace anywhere as long as the peace breaker is…

Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game?

Greetings, Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game? By Peter Koenig “ICH” – The world is still hell-bent for hydrocarbon-based energy.…

National Defense Control CenterRussian Defense Data Center Outperforms US Facility Threefold

National Defense Control CenterRussian Defense Data Center Outperforms US Facility Threefold

Greetings, National Defense Control CenterRussian Defense Data Center Outperforms US Facility Threefold: Official The Russian National Defense Management Center became operational on December 1. The facility brings all military information…

(Vid)Putin: Current economic situation caused by external factors

Greetings, Putin: Current economic situation caused by external factors…

(Video)Putin: West wants to chain the Russian bear, no way they’ll stuff it

(Video)Putin: West wants to chain the Russian bear, no way they’ll stuff it

Greetings, Putin: West wants to chain the Russian bear, no way they’ll stuff it…

Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine

Greetings, Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine If it were not for the fact that the lives of some 45 million people are at stake, Ukrainian national politics could be laughed off…

Putin’s Grasp of, and Response to, Western Moves Are Impeccable

Greetings, Putin’s Grasp of, and Response to, Western Moves Are Impeccable Its not even a fair fight A highly unified nation in a strong position with very intelligent leadership is…

The boomerang effect of Western sanctions on Russia is pushing the UK’s oil sector towards economic collapse

The boomerang effect of Western sanctions on Russia is pushing the UK’s oil sector towards economic collapse

Greetings, Be careful for what you wish for. Both America and the UK are trying to destroy Russia’s oil & gas sector in order to cause a collapse in the…

US Lawmakers to Gazprom: Keep Sending Gas to Ukraine or Face Sanctions

US Lawmakers to Gazprom: Keep Sending Gas to Ukraine or Face Sanctions

Greetings, US Lawmakers to Gazprom: Keep Sending Gas to Ukraine or Face Sanctions Ukraine owes Gazprom billions of dollars The Senate has unanimously given its final approval to a new…

(Vid In.)America’s highly provocative military build-up on Russia’s borders

(Vid In.)America’s highly provocative military build-up on Russia’s borders

Greetings,   It is amazing that America started this trouble in Europe and is now claiming that her military build up is for peace and stability. This is just how…

(Vid In.)Eurozone Ends 2014 With Weak Growth. Us Manufacturing Declines. Housing Permits Decline, Signals An Implosion In Real Estate.

(Vid In.)Eurozone Ends 2014 With Weak Growth. Us Manufacturing Declines. Housing Permits Decline, Signals An Implosion In Real Estate.

Greetings, Eurozone Ends 2014 With Weak Growth. Us Manufacturing Declines. Housing Permits Decline, Signals An Implosion In Real Estate. Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com Eurozone ends 2014 with weak growth. US manufacturing declines. Housing…

They know war is coming – Russian arms producers work overtime to fulfill contracts for the Russian military

They know war is coming – Russian arms producers work overtime to fulfill contracts for the Russian military

Greetings,  Russia Is Buying Weapons – a Lot of Them Russian arms producers work overtime to fulfill contracts for the Russian military This article originally appeared at CNN Russian defense…

A message to NATO: Russian Army, Airforce, Navy hold drills on border with Europe

A message to NATO: Russian Army, Airforce, Navy hold drills on border with Europe

Greetings,   This is a demonstration of power and resolve by Russia’s government in an effort to quietly inform them that if America/NATO continues down this path of economic sanctions,…




Western oligarchs feeling the sting of their own gov. sanctions on Russia: Energy firms in crisis amid collapsing oil prices, insolvencies treble

Western oligarchs feeling the sting of their own gov. sanctions on Russia: Energy firms in crisis amid collapsing oil prices, insolvencies treble

Greetings, Note: Blowback is a mutha. The Western nations are trying to overthrow the Putin government in Moscow by driving down oil prices in a bid to start strife and…

NATO looks on in awe…In the heart of Europe Russian military completes rapid-deployment drills in Kaliningrad

Greetings, Russian military completes rapid-deployment drills in Kaliningrad The Russian military has concluded a massive surprise drill in the Kaliningrad region to test the combat readiness of some 9,000 troops…

You know Ukraine is close to collapse when Chevron pulls out of gas extraction in western Ukraine

You know Ukraine is close to collapse when Chevron pulls out of gas extraction in western Ukraine

Greetings, Chevron pulls out of gas extraction in western Ukraine From left, Chevron’s General Manager for Europe Derek Magness, then-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Eduard Stavytsky and…