Lavrov: NATO Expansion Means Development of Territories Under US Command

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.04.2022
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that NATO expansion has nothing to do with the fulfillment of statutory goals, it is the development of territories under the command of the United States in line with strengthening the unipolar world.
“Of course, when they accepted Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, how can they strengthen the security of the North Atlantic alliance, if it is a defensive alliance? This simply shows that NATO expansion has nothing to do with the fulfillment of its statutory goals, that this is the development of territories under the US command in line with strengthening and attempting to perpetuate that same unipolar world,” the minister said on the air of the Bolshaya Igra (“Big Game”) show on Channel One.
Lavrov recalled that Russia had warned against drawing Ukraine into NATO, but negotiations on security guarantees clearly proved that NATO and the United States showed no desire to take into account Russia’s legitimate interests.
“Negotiations that then took place between our delegations and the United States, then I met with [US Secretary of State Antony] Blinken, and then our team went to NATO, where they presented the treaty already in the ‘NATO’ context, in the context of Russia-NATO, they showed that none of them had any desire to take into account our legitimate interests, our security interests,” the minister said on the air of the Bolshaya Igra (“Big Game”) show on Channel One.
FILE - In this Feb. 14, 2010 file photo, a U.S. soldier returns fire as others run for cover during a firefight with insurgents in the Badula Qulp area, west of Lashkar Gah  in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.04.2022

More Irrational NATO Expansion to Come
“They [Western countries] are making it clear that we can’t decide what is necessary for our security. They will also now move the line of defense of their ‘defensive alliance’ to the South China Sea,” Lavrov said in an interview on Channel One.

He noted that Western countries are openly declaring that they should be in control of the situation in the world and NATO has every right to pursue its policy everywhere.

“And as before, many of us are convinced that the real position of Ukraine is determined in Washington, London and other Western capitals. And therefore, our political scientists say, why talk with the Zelensky team — you need to talk with the Americans, and you need to negotiate with them, and achieve some kind of agreement. But we still continue to negotiate with the team that Zelensky nominated, these contacts will continue,” the diplomat added.

“For reasons well known, the United States withdrew from virtually all contacts due to the fact that we were forced to stand up for the Russians in Ukraine, who were bombed for eight years without any reaction from the West, except for encouragement of the Russophobic and neo-Nazi actions of the Kiev regime,” the diplomat added.

Western Russophobia, Racism Toward Everything Russian Cultivated at Highest Level

“Especially now, when Russophobia and real racism toward all Russians is being cultivated at the highest level,” the minister said on air.

“As recently said, if we take the neighbor of the United States — Canada, Mr. Trudeau, the prime minister, said that it was necessary to punish [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and all those who support him, and added that not only Russia, but all Russians will pay for what is happening, just like that,” Lavrov added.

Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov - Sputnik International, 1920, 22.04.2022

Denigration of Russia Not Just Strategic Need, Springs From Depths of Western Soul, Envoy Says
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