Harvard Genetic Research Team Collected and Transferred China Blood and DNA Samples Back to the US

Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

By Zhao YandongZhang Wenxia, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


We bring to the attention of  Global Research readers, excerpts from an important study entitled “An International Collaborative Genetic Research Project Conducted in China”  which has a bearing on our understanding of China’s  coronavirus epidemic.

At this juncture of the CoVid-19 pandemic there is no firm evidence that the virus is “Man Made”. The Western media initially claimed that “the virus was transferred to humans from animals or seafood” as analyzed by Larry Romanaff in an earlier article. 

At the same time, we should not rule out a priori the possibility that the CoVid-19 coronavirus was “man made” in a laboratory. 

The study below pertains to a US initiative by an unnamed “renowned University” involved in collecting blood and DNA samples in China’s Anhui province in the 1990s. The unnamed university is Harvard University.

Blood samples were collected. In turn, the US scientists “acquired DNA samples of the target group for research purposes.   

“The principal investigator himself admitted that for the asthma research alone, 16,400 DNA samples had been transferred to the US.“.  These DNA samples collected by the Harvard research team were then shipped to the US. They are part of extensive data base. 

According to Romanoff (in an earlier article) the number of DNA samples transferred to the US was much larger than the figures quoted in Zhang Yong and Zhao Wenxia’s chapter:

.… it became known that Harvard University had surreptitiously proceeded with experiments in China that had been forbidden by the authorities years earlier, where they collected many hundreds of thousands of Chinese DNA samples and then left the country.Xiong Li, China Daily’s premier medical correspondent. makes a plea for justice for some 200,000 [? ] Chinese farmers [exact figures to be confirmed] who were used in 12 genetic experiments without their informed consent. The experiments were conducted by Harvard researchers and funded by the US government.


The underlying purpose of collecting Chinese DNA samples was not mentioned, nor was the relationship of Harvard University to several entities of the US government.

As documented by the authors, the Harvard study and “theft” of Chinese DNA (biopiracy) was also supported by Big Pharma. In this regard, the blood and DNA samples of Anhui province constitute a potential goldmine for the pharmaceutical companies which provided financial support to the Harvard team.

The authors do not openly condemn the renowned [Harvard] University or more specifically the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) which was involved in “biopiracy”. They nonetheless confirm the coverup:


On 2 May 2003, the US university [Harvard] published the investigation results of the US government, which stated that there had been some procedural errors in supervision and record-keeping, but no participant was found to have been harmed in any way, so the school would not be penalized (HSPH 2003). Some biomedical experts and ethicists in China expressed regret about these results. They insisted that the studies had apparently violated basic research ethics, and called for a joint US-Chinese review of the experiments……more here

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