Americans being robbed of their futures by politicians, bankers, the media: Analyst

Donald Trump was successful in 2016 because he appealed to the Americans who know they’re being robbed of their futures “by an established class of politicians, bankers, and the media,” according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. 

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement by Fox News Channel’s conservative host Tucker Carlson who on Monday said that he thinks presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) would take “many thousands” of votes from Trump if the senator achieved the Democratic nomination.

“A year from today, we’ll be hosting this show from the national mall, as the next president of the United States takes the oath of office,” Carlson said to begin his opening monologue. “Will that president be Donald Trump? As of tonight, Republicans in Washington feel confident it will be.”

He said the Republicans who think that a second term is assured are making a mistake.

“The official economic numbers are strong. The Democratic primaries are a freak show — elderly socialists accusing each other of thoughtcrimes. Republicans are starting to think victory is assured. That’s a mistake,” he continued. “America remains as divided as it was three years ago. No matter what happens, nobody’s going to win this election in a national landslide. Those don’t happen anymore. Trump could lose. Will he? That depends on what he runs on.”

Hoenig  said, “Tucker Carlson is one of those broken clocks who’s correct twice a day. Every once in a while he takes a position that’s not based on overt racism, anti-left hysteria, or the pernicious American exceptionalism. He’s now making the simple argument that a matchup between Sanders and Trump is not a sure bet for the Republicans. And the reason is also quite simple, that Sanders appeals to some of the very people Trump won over in 2016.”

“Carlson’s big focus is on debt, and in particular, student debt. That is something that does not usually hit the high rolling Republican backers and their families but every day Americans, many who vote Republican. Each generation is suppose to be better off than the previous one but all is in reverse now. Student debt has crippled a generation and only Sanders seems to appreciate that. One would not even expect a Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden to truly sympathize with those in debt, favoring more often the bankers who put them there,” he stated.

“Trump will be running on a strong economy, but even that is a mirage. Unemployment is low, but so are wages, and many have more than one job just to keep from sinking deeper into the abyss of capitalism. The stock market is strong, but that only shows how well the rich are doing, as the majority of Americans do not own stock and those that do have no commanding ownership of any company. That’s up to the 1% to set the rules,” he noted.

“Also, with the stock market being basically a gamble, the average American who does have stocks, and hopes to draw on it for their retirement and survival after working, can see it evaporate overnight with just one threat of another trade war or even a real war. Only those who invest in the war machinery will make out handsomely,” he added.

“Trump was successful because he appealed to those of us who know we’re being robbed of our futures by an established class of politicians, bankers, and media that perpetuate a status quo designed to keep a majority of Americans treading water; enough to stay alive but too invested in surviving to have the energy, resources, or wherewithal to fight against our oppressors,” he said.

“These are the very people that Sanders appeals to and it’s easy to see how any switching of votes is likely to go to Sanders from Trump’s, rather than the reverse. True, many Democrats will support Trump because their leaders, Clinton, Biden and the other neo-liberals, will do very little to encourage their votes in the General Election, as they would rather have Trump and the Republicans than someone promising to shake the foundations of our corrupt system to the ground, as Sanders projects. But when it’s one’s own wallet on the table and bills stacking up, the one who promises a bright future will likely win against one who focuses on division, and rules like a spoiled brat,” he concluded.

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