Leaked Audio Reveals US Struggles to Keep Venezuelan Opposition United – Report

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testifies before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, about the FY'20 budget

Leaked Audio Reveals US Struggles to Keep Venezuelan Opposition United – Report

© AP Photo / Susan Walsh

According to the US State Secretary, continuous disagreements between Venezuelan opposition leaders have thwarted attempts at staging an effective insurrection. Despite Washington having chosen Juan Guaido as its champion, Maduro’s enemies still want power for themselves, according to Pompeo.

US State Secretary Mike Pompeo admitted that the greatest challenge the US Administration faced in Venezuela was keeping the Venezuelan opposition unified.

In leaked audio reportedly obtained by the Washington Post, recorded at a meeting between Pompeo and Jewish leaders last week, Pompeo said keeping the opposition in one pack has proven to be “devilishly difficult.”

“Our conundrum, which is to keep the opposition united, has proven devilishly difficult,” Pompeo allegedly said in the audio. “The moment Maduro leaves, everybody’s going to raise their hands and [say], ‘Take me, I’m the next president of Venezuela.’ It would be forty-plus people who believe they’re the rightful heir to Maduro.”

Interestingly, the State Secretary initially declined to talk on the subject, saying “someone’s probably got a tape recorder on,” The Washington Post report says.He also added that he still believes Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro will eventually abandon his office but added that he “couldn’t tell the timing.”

According to The Hill, Pompeo disclosed the US struggled to unite the Venezuelan opposition ever since he assumed the office of CIA Director in 2017. Continuing quarrels between opposition leaders prevented the creation of a successful uprising. He attributed the failure of opposition leader Juan Guaido’s 30 April coup attempt to the lack of consensus among Maduro’s enemies.

In the leaked recording, Pompeo allegedly speculated that Maduro “is mostly surrounded by Cubans.”

“He doesn’t trust Venezuelans a lick. I don’t blame him. He shouldn’t. They were all plotting against him. Sadly, they were all plotting for themselves,” Pompeo says in the recording.

The United States backed the self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaido in his bid to oust legitimate President Maduro. However, Guaido’s attempts at taking power have proven unsuccessful, despite the alleged help of US saboteurs (according to official Caracas.)

Russia, China, Turkey and a number of other nations recognize Maduro as the only leader of Venezuela, while Washington and its allies consider Guaido the full-fledged President.

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