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Our latest winter storm–Wesley–is now also a “bomb cyclone,” according to NOAA.

Winter Storm Wesley, the second ‘BOMB CYCLONE’ to hit the USA in less than a month, continued to cause trouble Thursday morning with schools closed or delayed for hours, power outages and hundreds of flight cancellations.

winter storm wesley bomb cyclone april 2019, winter storm wesley bomb cyclone april 2019 pictures, winter storm wesley bomb cyclone april 2019 video, winter storm wesley bomb cyclone april 2019 satellite
Infrared imagery of bombogenesis winterstorm wesley on April 11, 2019. via NOAA

First, yes it is a BOMBOGENESIS

There has been a lot of interest in whether the current Wesley storm is a “bomb”. To begin, this isn’t a very important distinction — just because a storm intensifies quickly (which is what a “bomb cyclone” refers to), it doesn’t mean its impacts are worse than other strong cyclones……more here