Russia, China to Conduct Joint Naval Drills in Late April-Early May – Statement

State flags of Russia and China are flown on destroyer Shijiazhuang during the Russian-Chinese exercise Naval Interaction 2017

Russia, China to Conduct Joint Naval Drills in Late April-Early May – Statement

© Sputnik / Vitaliy Ankov
Military & Intelligence

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Navy and the Chinese Navy will hold joint Naval Interaction-2019 exercises in late April-early May, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday in a statement.

“The Russian Navy and the People’s Liberation Army Navy will hold annual bilateral Naval Interaction exercises in late April-early May”, the statement reads.

During the drills, the Russian and Chinese sailors will practice joint maneuvering, organization of communication, missile and artillery firing at sea and air targets, as well as search and rescue support.

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The ministry noted that the delegation of the Chinese Navy had arrived in St. Petersburg to partake in a conference along with the delegation of the command of Russia’s Pacific Fleet. Representatives of the two countries started consultations to prepare for the drills on 25 March.

The Chinese Defense Ministry said last December that mutual political trust and military cooperation between Russia and China have reached record levels, as evidenced by the numerous bilateral military exchanges and joint participation in major drills. The ministry also praised Russian-Chinese cooperation on maintaining regional stability, as well as on vital international issues.Russia and China maintain close cooperation in several areas including defense, energy and the economy, as well as a regular political dialogue at the UN Security Council and other international platforms. The Chinese Foreign Ministry defines Beijing’s ties with Moscow as a “comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination”.

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