America No longer being undisputed global juggernaut, Russia & China deliberate on teaming up to buck US sanctions

Russia, China deliberate on teaming up to buck US sanctions

At present, China’s stock of orders for Russian military products exceeds $7 billion

© Alexei Nikolsky/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS

MOSCOW. /TASS/. In an effort to counter Washington’s punitive measures, Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation has entered into negotiations with its Chinese counterparts to hammer out a joint action plan to fight off US sanctions, Dmitry Shugayev, the agency’s chief told NTV television on Monday.

“We are holding negotiations with our Chinese partners. The most important thing is to avoid disparities in other sectors due to the transition to mutual settlements in national currencies,” Shugayev pointed out.

“However, the sanctions have another negative aspect, namely to intimidate our partners quite unceremoniously,” he said, emphasizing that not all partners give into these intimidations.

In an earlier interview with TASS, Shugayev said he did not see any threat from Washington’s punitive measures against contracts with China for the supply of Su-35 fighter jets and S-400 air defense systems. He also said that Moscow and Beijing saw eye to eye as to “the necessity of taking joint measures to minimize the effects of the sanctions”.

In September, the United States slapped sanctions on China due to the country’s purchase of ten Sukhoi Su-35 aircraft along with S-400s from Russia. The punitive measures were introduced under the 2017 Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). In particular, China’s Equipment Development Department (EDD) was blacklisted.

At the moment, China’s stock of orders for Russian military products exceeds $7 billion.


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