Fluoride chemicals dumped into the water supply are “unprocessed toxic waste” chemicals, warns Children’s Health Defense

Fluoride chemicals dumped into the water supply are “unprocessed toxic waste” chemicals, warns Children’s Health Defense

Image: Fluoride chemicals dumped into the water supply are “unprocessed toxic waste” chemicals, warns Children’s Health Defense

(Natural News) The topic of fluoride in drinking water has been hotly debated for many years, with one side insisting it is safe while evidence on the other side piles up showing just how wrong that notion is. Now, Children’s Health Defense is trying to spread the word about what exactly your family is ingesting when you drink fluoridated water.

Over the years, fluoride has come to be associated with good dental health for many people; it doesn’t carry the negative connotation you might expect the concept of drinking chemicals would, thanks to the PR efforts of those with a vested interest in the practice. But if it’s really so beneficial, why is it that other countries – many of which are usually eager to adopt genuinely useful American innovations – are refusing to get on board?

The U.S. is one of just a few developed nations in the world that adds industrial silicofluorides to drinking water. Just five percent of the global population drinks water that has been chemically fluoridated, and more Americans drink this type of water than people in every other country combined. In western Europe, for example, just three percent of the population consumes such water; incidentally, their tooth decay rates aren’t any higher than those in the U.S. Most countries there don’t fluoridate at all – for example, places like Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy – while just three countries do fluoridate to some extent: the Irish Republic, Spain, and the U.K.

Do you know where the fluoride in your water comes from?

One big reason that the rest of the world is eschewing the practice is that the fluoride chemicals that are added to drinking water are essentially unprocessed toxic waste products. According to Children’s Health Defense, they often come from either pollutants that are captured from the phosphate fertilizer industry in Florida or unregulated Chinese chemical imports. Some water plants who source their fluoridation chemicals from China recently started noticing a “mysterious residue” in the treated water, which isn’t surprising when you consider the lack of regulation and general corruption in the communist country.

You might be surprised to learn that these chemicals do not undergo any sort of purification before they are added to drinking water, and they often contain notable levels of heavy metal contamination, such as arsenic. Contrast this with the fluoride compounds you might find in your toothpaste, which are pharmaceutical grade in quality even though you don’t end up drinking them. Why are the standards so different?

The Fluoride Action Network points out that recent research has shown an association between water fluoridation via fluorosilicic aid and high lead exposure, especially in those who live in homes with older plumbing. That’s because the chemicals can leach lead out of the pipes. Sadly, this issue is completely ignored despite the significant damage that lead exposure can cause to children. National data from the CDC shows that children who drink water that has been treated with silicofluorides have a 20 percent higher likelihood of being above the hazard threshold for lead levels in blood.

Given the source of the fluoride in drinking water, is it any surprise that death rates in the ten states with the highest fluoridation are as much as 26 percent higher than those in the ten states with the least fluoridation? It may not be shocking that the highest fluoridated states also have triple the rate of Alzheimer’s disease, but it certainly is inexcusable. Fluoride has also been linked to neurological development impairments, premature birth, autism, and preeclampsia.

The fact is that Americans are being subjected to unprocessed toxic waste in their drinking water, and all the health problems it brings, without any discernible benefit. When will this fluoride madness stop?

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