US acting as judge, executioner toward other countries: Commentator


US airstrikes in Somalia are “unlawful,” says a political commentator, adding that Washington has no policy other than killing people.

“These are unlawful attacks by the Americans. No country has the right to just simply attack another country. The Americans have made themselves judges and executioners … The Americans simply believe in killing people. That is a sole raison d’être of their foreign policy. They have no other policy. Their whole policy is violence and hatred of fairly powerless people,” William Spring told Press TV in an interview on Monday.

“America, I am afraid, is a very violent country, violent to itself, violent to other people, not capable of policing the world. What sort of policeman would it be that goes around just shooting, killing innocent civilians over time? This is ridiculous and disgraceful and I feel that American foreign policy has to be looked at again,” he added.

The US has carried out fresh airstrikes in Somalia, killing dozens of purported militants there as Washington steps up its military presence in Africa.

US African Command (AFRICOM) said on Monday it reportedly had killed 62 militants in six airstrikes on Saturday and Sunday in the vicinity of Gandarsh in Somalia’s south-central Banaadir Province.

AFRICOM claims it carries out periodic airstrikes in the Horn of Africa country to support the UN-backed government there, which has been making efforts over the years to uproot the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab terrorist group actively present there.


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