Disturbing Video Shows Cops Attack Dad, Taser Him As He Held His 2-month-old Baby


Disturbing Video Shows Cops Attack Dad, Taser Him As He Held His 2-month-old Baby

A disturbing video was uploaded to Facebook showing police officers surround a man holding a baby and taser him because he yelled at them.

(Support Free Thought) – Inkster, MI — A deeply disturbing video has been shared with the Free Thought Project showing multiple police officers surround a man — who was holding his two-month old baby — and taser him.

The video, uploaded to Facebook by the man who took it, Kelvin Williams, shows Westland City police officers assault and arrest a man as he held his baby son.

According to Williams, police showed up at his neighbor’s home claiming that there was a fight. However, Williams noted that no one was fighting and the neighbors were all outside barbecuing and listening to music, peacefully.

As the video shows, several officers claim there was damaged property somewhere, but could not explain where it was. When the homeowner questions why police are there, the situation gets out of control as the cops threaten to arrest him for disorderly conduct.

Officer Scaglione with the Westland city police begins accusing the homeowner of being drunk in public. He then threatens to take the man to jail for it. However, the homeowner tell the officer that he doesn’t even drink.

At this point, the officer tells the mother to bring the baby inside, and again, the man questions why the officer is ordering them around. Instead of bringing his baby inside, the man holds his own son and tries to comfort him while telling police that he can have his son outside and there is nothing they can do about it.

Without reason or provocation, the officers then swarm the man as one of them pulls out a taser. As the man holds the baby, the cop grabs the man and presses the taser to his chest — right next to the baby — and deploys it. The man collapses and luckily the mother grabs the baby before he falls to the ground. According to Williams, police then proceeded to handcuff and beat up the father.

The police then explain to the neighbors that they tasered, beat, and arrested the man because he “kept interrupting” the officer and was “yelling.”

The baby was then brought to the hospital to check on his health after the taser was deployed right next to him. Luckily, according to Williams, the baby is alright.

The Free Thought Project reached out to the Westland City police department but they have not yet responded to our request for comment on the video.

Williams posted the video with the following description:

Man this shit gotta stop so y westland come over my friend house and say that their was a fight when we were just sitting there listening to music bbqin with the kids and they come up to him and taze him with a 2 month old baby in his arms right next to me then handcuff him and beat his ass Then had the nerve to call the emt for the baby as if they didn’t just fuck up make this viral someone needs to do something about this I tried to grab the baby the cops push me out the way I’m so pissed right now

If you’d like to peacefully voice your concern over what you watch in the video below, you can do so on the City of Westland police department’s Facebook page, here.

The Free Thought Project will update this story as more details unfold.


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