Don’t drink the Imperial kool-aid: This is what happens when you start believing your own “Exceptional Nation” propaganda

Don’t drink the Imperial kool-aid: This is what happens when you start believing your own “Exceptional Nation” propaganda

What happens to a person, corporation, or nation that has ruled and prospered off of the miseries and exploits of others without rival or challenge, then one day it all starts falling apart? This question can be answered by just looking at American leaders, her people, their corporations, and the nation itself.

They cry fowl. They blame everyone but themselves. They fail to see the wickedness and evil of their own policies and dealings with others. It is never their fault.

It is always to blame someone else for their own shortcomings. In America’s eyes it is Syria’s aggression that it dare defend its sovereignty against American colonialism.

It is Iran and Russia and China’s fault that they refuse to be bullied and submit to American Hegemony. It is North Korea’s fault that they dare acquire the same weapons that America has used against others under false pretenses, to defend themselves against suffering the same fate as others on America’s hit list for occupation.

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