Frankenstein Science Is Alive And Well Using Vaccines, Chemtrails And Microwaves

By Catherine J. Frompovich

This article has been days in the making as my computer censors at Microsoft, I feel, have been messing around with it and my computer Operating System.  When I had this article almost finished, while periodically saving to a USB port/drive, Microsoft Word ‘stole’ it and I could not find it on the drive I was saving it to.  However, I found it on their Internet Documents with only one-fourth of the article in the file and most of the information deleted, which I had been saving while writing it, since I’m familiar with their ‘tricks’.

I chose this format to help readers understand the overall picture of the seriousness of what’s going on, plus the determination to control and/or eliminate a certain percentage of the population.  I know that sounds “off the wall” but too much circumstantial evidence leads to no other conclusion.  Paramount in that direction is the infamous “Georgia Guidestones” whose first “commandment” for a new World Order states:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Folks, that’s half a billion people and currently there are 7.6 billion people on Planet Earth as of December 2017. Furthermore, who had the chutzpah and money to erect such a monument to the New World Order eugenics plan to be carried out by the ‘elite’ one percent?

Current Biological Warfare Flu – Deborah Tavares Report Jan. 14, 2018
CDC ‘works’ for Big Pharma; CDC ‘married’ to CIA
Targeting Older Generations?
Only 10 out of a 100 ‘protected’ by flu shot

The Genocide Convention or Treaty – A Deborah Tavares Report Jan. 22, 2018
Attrition by and from weaponized weather, etc.
USA President Ronald Reagan signed it Nov. 11, 1988…………..More Here