When Will Russia Challenge US and Israeli Aggression in Syria?



When Will Russia Challenge US and Israeli Aggression in Syria?

  • By Stephen Lendman

Washington, Israel and their rogue allies are at war on Syria – naked aggression against a sovereign independent state threatening no one.

Both countries supply ISIS and other terrorists with arms, munitions and other material support – supported by terror-bombing, daily by US warplanes, Israel at its discretion, its sixth attack in the last 10 days occurring Saturday, an unjustifiably pretext cited like all previous incidents, saying:

“In response to projectiles launched earlier today at Israel from Syria, Israeli forces targeted the Syrian military artillery position that was the source of the previous fire.”

No casualties or damage was reported. So-called errant mortar fire or other projectiles almost certainly came from US and Israeli-supported terrorists – providing unjustifiable justification for IDF aggression.

Why would Syrian forces risk it by any live fire aimed in the direction of Israel’s border? Why would they use toxic agents of any kind when they’re smashing US-supported terrorists by conventional warfare?

US and Israeli aggression aim solely to support ISIS and other terrorists used as imperial foot soldiers – notably now in the face of their heavy losses.

On June 30, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said repeated  “(p)rovocations by the coalition forces led by the United States contribute to the growing activity of terrorist organizations in Syria.”

On June 29, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said US propaganda, falsely claiming Syrian preparations for another CW attack appears a likely pretext for further US aggression.

It followed earlier provocations. “The current information campaign (from America) is a precursor (for) new (US) intervention in Syria,” said Zakharova. All known facts indicate it.

“The scenario will be the same.” Damascus will be falsely blamed for a CW attack carried out by US-supported terrorists.

Separately, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said “it is necessary to warn (America) against further irresponsible steps in violation of the United Nations Charter and the generally recognized norms of the international law as was the case during the April 7 missile strike on Syria’s Shayrat airbase.”

It cited “Washington’s bellicose rhetoric” as evidence of something planned, likely more US aggression against Syrian forces – following an “invitation” for terrorists it supports to launch another large-scale CW attack.

Russia’s rhetorical responses to US, Israeli and so-called coalition aggression against Syria accomplish nothing. Action backing up tough talk is needed – short of all-out war, but enough to show Moscow no longer will tolerate US-led escalated hostilities, undermining efforts to resolve things diplomatically.

According to Syrian lawmaker Muhammed Kheir al-Akkam, if the US-led “coalition continues to push with the issue of chemical weapons to justify its aggression against Syria, Damascus in coordination with Russia and Iran will deliver an unexpected response to this aggression” – without further elaboration.

A Final Comment

The so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) comprised of US-supported terrorists falsely accused government forces of attacking the Ayn Tarma, Damascus district with chlorine gas on Friday.

Syria’s General Command of the Army and Armed Forces denounced the accusation as false and baseless – another fabricated attempt to prompt further US aggression.

The Khmeimim-based Russian Coordination Center issued a similar comment – stressing no use of any type toxic agents by Syrian forces against anyone, anywhere, at any time.

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