On the heels of the gold market assaulting the key psychological level of $1,300 this week, today London whistleblower and metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that a major event is going to create a massive gold price surge in 26 days.

“Watch Out 26 Days From Today!”
Andrew Maguire:  “
In February, I warned of a heightened risk of a gold price reset, which as you will recall was based upon the all-important physical markets sucking out liquidity from the increasingly illiquid paper markets. Back then I estimated we were looking at a timeline of as little as 3 to 6 months.  Eric, I am absolutely sure we are on track for a significant (gold) price surge leading to an inevitable price reset before the 6 month August timeline runs out.  All I am allowed to say right now is watch out 26 days from today!…

Paper Gold Market Scam Coming To An End
Don’t be fooled by the officially driven counterintuitive gold and silver action this week. It was all about the defense of the round number at $1,300, a breach of which will set off a tsunami of sideline buying, and not from flushable synthetic naked long hot money.  The officials who rig this market are far more constrained than they have ever been as real fundamentals close the jaws of a vice on their paper market scam. 
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