US War-Machine fighting against time: Pentagon undercuts US State department’s diplomatic role as top US Gen. scurries to Saudi Arabia to threatening over Saudi/Russian alliance, while demanding that the House of Saud maintain It’s dollar peg to oil sales

US War-Machine fighting against time: Pentagon undercuts US State department’s diplomatic roll as top US Gen. scurries to Saudi Arabia to threatening over Saudi/Russian alliance, while demanding  that the House of Saud maintain It’s dollar peg to oil sales

us-central-command-chief-general-joseph-votel-810x561 If you believe that in this time wherein America is being not only challenged and pushed back in Asia by a rising China, in Europe by a resurgent Russia, and in the MENA(Middle East/North Africa) region, also while her economy is collapsing and Arabia is close to bankrupt status herself….this out of the blue meeting of a top US general to Arabia is just to reaffirm their alliance, then you are a total fool!

A report is stating that: Top US military commander in Saudi Arabia to ‘maintain confidence’

If America was actually trying to conduct diplomacy with Arabia, why then would you send one of your top generals to speak with the Western imposed heads of state in that country? The diplomacy is supposed to be done by the politicians via the US State Department. In fact what is going on is America has sent a top general to put the fear of war in those leaders to stay in their place and keep the petrodollar and do not move in an alliance with Russia and China.

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