Home Remedies for Sore Throat – 10 Useful Tips


Home Remedies for Sore Throat – 10 Useful Tips


By Jenny Heth
Most of us have experienced sore throat, also called pharyngitis, at one time or another. It is a condition accompanied with irritation, discomfort and scratchiness in the throat. Therefore, you will get difficulty and pain while swallowing. Sometimes, other symptoms of sore throat include headache, fever, skin rashes and muscle pain.

Causes of Sore Throat

Pharynx is the back of the throat, where is located between the voice box and the tonsils. When this part of your throat is swollen, it also means that you are suffering from sore throat.

Commonly, sore throat is caused by dry air, allergies, common cold, flu, bacteria and virus. The problem often takes place during the colder period of the year and can easily spread among family members or anyone close to patients.

There are some other similar diseases that can easily affect you such as oral thrush and tonsillitis. For more information, please take a look at Home Remedies for Oral Thrush and Home Remedies for Tonsillitis.

Here are top 10 home remedies for sore throat you should take a look to learn how to get rid of the condition quickly and easily…

1. Ginger

Despite the spicy flavor, ginger is still on the top of the list of home remedies for sore throat. The spice works brilliantly to remove toxins and stimulate your blood circulation. Simultaneously, the anti-inflammatory property in the ingredient combats bacteria and inhibits their development in the body.

Consume 1 cup of ginger tea every day to get the best effect.
Also, chew some ginger slices to immediately reduce annoying symptoms of sore throat.
2. Steam

When it comes to respiratory problems, steaming will always be the best treatment you should immediately apply to ease the condition. In home remedies for sore throat, steaming will help you cleanse the respiratory system, thin the mucus and soothe the throat.

Take a bowl of hot water and place your face over it.
Cover your head with a towel and stay there for some minutes.
You should add some drops of essential oil to increase the effect.
3. Salt

Salt is one of the simplest and most effective home remedies for sore throat you should apply. The ingredient possesses excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can inhibit the development of the condition. Additionally, salt is able to soothe your throat and give you a temporary relief from the irritation.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt into a cup of warm water.
Use it to gargle your throat twice a day, after you wake up and before bed.
At the same time, take small sips of the solution several times a day or whenever you feel needed.
4. Honey

Thanks to soothing property, honey becomes one of inevitable ingredients on the list of home remedies for sore throat. Aside from easing the irritation, honey can reduce other symptoms by making use of antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities.

You can choose herbal tea or lemon juice to be added with honey. Also, warm water is another choice if other liquids are not available.
Also, you can consume 2 teaspoons of honey before bed to reduce discomforts before sleep.
5. Licorice Root

Another ingredient you can use for natural treatments of sore throat is licorice root. The root has been used to effectively and quickly to soothe the throat and reduce the symptoms.

Make a cup of licorice tea and consume it every day until the condition improves.
Add some licorice root powder into water and use the solution to gargle every morning and before bed.
6. Peppermint

Peppermint has been found with a rich content of menthol, which makes it an excellent herb used in home remedies for sore throat.

Having a cup of peppermint tea is a good way to make use of the herb.
Alternatively, you can use pure peppermint oil spray to reduce mucus as well as ease the cough.
7. Lemon

You might doubt the effectiveness of this small yellow fruit as it is said to be able to bring you so many health benefits. However, it will not change the fact that lemon can make a great home remedy for sore throat.

Get the juice from half of a lemon then add it into a cup of water.
Add into it some honey to improve the taste and increase the effect.
Consume the solution several times a day, especially in the morning so that the condition will quickly disappear.
8. Clove

Do not underestimate the power of clove since this is one of the most useful ingredients you can use to treat sore throat. This is due to the anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties in cloves that help with the irritation.

Take some clove powder and add into a cup of hot water.
After the liquid cools off, use it to gargle your mouth.
Alternatively, consume 1-2 cups of clove tea every day.
9. Echinacea

Echinacea is an aged-old remedy for sore throat that will surprise you with its effect.

Take 2 teaspoons of Echinacea tincture and add them into a cup of water.
Use the solution to gargle several times a day.
Simultaneously, make a cup of Echinacea tea to consume every day.
10. Green Tea

Undeniably, green tea possesses a great power in improving health as well as treating and preventing diseases. In case of home remedies for sore throat, the tea helps enhance your immune system while soothing and reduce irritation in the throat.

Remember to consume 2-3 cups of green tea a day.
Besides, use the solution to gargle every morning and before bed.

[1] https://authorityremedies.com

[2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

[3] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


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