Off The Grid Living: 8 Essential Oil Alternatives To Over-The-Counter Drugs


8 Essential Oil Alternatives To Over-The-Counter Drugs


Natural essential oils have been used throughout time for healing, as well as for treating many physical and mental ailments.

Essential oils are non-toxic, natural substances which are easily eliminated from the body. Prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, on the other hand, are synthetic substances which the body is not designed to metabolize and eliminate. Because our organs do not know how to break down these man-made compounds, the synthetic toxins pass through our kidneys, liver and spleen, and can end up in waste-holding areas such as fatty tissues, and even the brain. Perhaps most alarming, after attaching themselves to these tissues they can disrupt normal body functions for years afterward.

Here is a list of common health ailments that can be treated with natural essential oils instead of OTC drugs, along with a few recipes to try:
1. Colds, coughs, allergies, congestion and sinusitis
Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils ─ Both have decongestant, expectorant and antiviral properties.
Angelica, thyme, camphor, bay, myrrh and spruce essential oils ─ All of these oils help relieve sinus congestion when inhaled.
Laurel leaf essential oil ─ This natural oil is known to help strengthen the body’s resistance to viruses by building up the immune system and boosting the respiratory system.
Try a mixture of 10 drops of any of these oils and 4 tsp of a carrier oil of your choice. Rub it into the chest area so that the molecules can be inhaled.

Add any of these oils or a mixture of them into a bowl of steaming water. Wrap a towel around your head and inhale the molecules released by the steam.
2. Acne
Jojoba oil ─ Otherwise known as a carrier oil, jojoba is known to balance oily skin and clear acne. You can use it alone or try blending it with other essential oils. Try this recipe:
4 drops lemon essential oil
4 drops frankincense essential oil
2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
4 tsp jojoba oil
Tea tree essential oil ─ A potent antiseptic that kills bacteria which cause acne. It is also useful for eliminating blackheads. Tea tree oil can be used alone by applying it to a cotton swab and wiping it over the face in an upwards motion. It will pull up dirt while killing bacteria that clogs pores. You can also try this mixture:
4 drops tea tree essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil
4 drops geranium essential oil
4 tsp jojoba oil
3. Athlete’s foot
Lavender essential oil ─ Lavender has antiseptic and healing properties…..More Here

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