Gog & MaGog are staring down the barrels of each others guns in The Mediterranean Sea


Gog & MaGog are staring down the barrels of guns at each other in The Mediterranean Sea

5695597ec6a4c_Untitled1For one to understand the depths of just why Russia has announced it’s deployment of it’s Aircraft Carrier along with the warships that accompany it and why this vessel with be loaded with heavy hitting 4+ generation warplanes, the far outclass US & NATO warplanes along with these “city destroyers” attack helicopter gunships, one needs to read this article: Russian Aircraft Carrier Deploying to Syria in Response to US Naval Build Up 

Once you read the above article you will get an understanding of the geo-positioning of warships, warplanes, and war materials in the Mediterranean Sea. Upon understanding this reality, you then see that Russia is not playing and has just announced that the Aircraft Carrier will be permanently assigned to the Syrian war theater.

Navy-deploymnet-Map-mediteranean-syria This is huge because carrier groups consists of anywhere from 10 to 24 warships and submarines. Just take a look at a US carrier group. But since Russia sent cruise missiles some 1,000 miles away bombing US backed terrorists in Syria from it’s own territorial waters, we know that America’s weapons are inferior to what Russia is deploying.

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