That ugly monster of “Karma” is rearing it’s head & the consequences for the Western world will be catastrophic


That ugly monster of “Karma” is rearing it’s head & the consequences for the Western world will be catastrophic


This thing is about to blow. The central Bankers, the government officials, and all of the corporations and policy makers from America to Europe see that the end is in sight. They are feeling terrible because they know once it goes, it goes forever and there lies the end of American/European power and influence.

Some of them are reeling from the fact that they realize that we are nearing the end of white power universally . Waking up to something like this, especially wherein the last 4,000 years they have enjoyed unlimited and unrivaled influence, wealth, power, and domination, is something that they cannot adjust to.

It’s becoming real to them. The time is bringing these events to bare and the white world cannot stave off certain death. Believe me when I tell you that there is something major, catastrophic even, lurking just over the near horizon.

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