Throwing Caution to the Wind: US to Continue Provocations in the Pacific


la-fg-china-us-north-korea-20160127This beast is not stopping. America is everywhere swinging wildly trying to prevent the rise and reemergence of new power poles. She knows that she now exists on borrowed time.

In trying to preserve her rule, she recognizes the fact that everything is stacked up against her. This doesn’t mean that she will just lay down or stop. No! In fact this means that she is now so desperate that she is pushing the envelope on what will be permitted by these opposite poles and what she deem acceptable!

But know this thing for sure. Whether she wants to or not, she is most assuredly and most definitely coming out of Asia. She will be thrown out!

Throwing Caution to the Wind: US to Continue Provocations in the Pacific

With two potential Pacific flashpoints approaching, the Pentagon has no plans to de-escalate tensions in the region, despite strong opposition from China, and an increasingly shaky regional military alliance.

As part of its Asia pivot, the Obama Administration focused a significant amount of tension on the Pacific. In the South China Sea, the Pentagon has conducted aggressive patrols near China’s land reclamation projects in the Spratly archipelago. On the Korean Peninsula, the US plans to install a new THAAD missile defense system, angering both China and North Korea.

According to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, the US plans to follow through with these plans despite complaints from Beijing and increased skepticism from the Philippines, a key US ally.

In the South China Sea region, Washington relies on the cooperation of Manila, routinely launching aerial surveillance missions out of the Philippines as part of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). But new Philippine leadership has expressed less interest in supporting US military endeavors.

“Our plans for EDCA implementation are on track; we haven’t changed our plans at all,” Carter assured reporters on Tuesday. “We look forward to working with the new Philippine government, as we always do [with] a new government in a democratic ally.”
A highly-contested region through which nearly $5 trillion in trade passes annually, the South China Sea is claimed largely by China, but there are overlapping claims by Brunei, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

While Beijing maintains that it has the right to build within its own territory and that its artificial islands will be used primarily for humanitarian purposes, it has, in recent days, suggested that it would establish an air defense identification zone in response to American aggression.

On the Korean peninsula, the Pentagon maintains that its THAAD system is necessary to protect South Korea, given the DPRK’s recent nuclear and long-range missile tests.
“We have elements of cooperation, strong elements of cooperation, with China, even as we have some elements of competition,” Carter said. “Now, I don’t want to speak for the Chinese, but I think everybody’s very frustrated at North Korean behavior.”

Beijing, however, has argued the location of the system also threatens Chinese airspace. The Pentagon appears unwilling to consider these concerns.

“This is an alliance decision, a decision of the United States and the Republic of Korea which is about protecting us both from North Korean missile attack,” he said. “It’s an alliance decision, [and] the implementation of it will be a series of decisions that we take together.”

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