Another Continent Killer Rolled Out – New Russian submarine launched


New Russian submarine launched

A sixth submarine for Russia’s Baltic fleet has taken to water.


A sixth diesel-electric submarine for Russia’s Black Sea fleet was launched Tuesday at a shipyard in St. Petersburg.

The Varshavyanka-class sub, named Kolpino, is an advanced version of what NATO designates as a Kilo-class submarine.

Built under the Russian Navy’s Project 636.3, the submarine is between 229 and 242 feet long and has a submerged speed of as much as 25 knots. Weaponry includes torpedoes, mines and missiles.

“It’s a big day for the Navy, for St. Petersburg, for the country,” Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy Vice Adm. Alexander Fedotenkov was quoted by state-owned Tass as saying.

“The submarine launch is a national event. Admiralty Shipyard is indeed the flagship of the national shipbuilding industry. Your ships are delivered on time and with proper quality.”

Source: UPI


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