A warning shot to the West – Iran pledges to support Syria, Iraq with more military advisers


Iran pledges to support Syria, Iraq with more military advisers


Iran will continue sending military advisers to Syria and Iraq in a fight against terrorism, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said here on Monday.

“We will help Syria and Iraq as much as we can because parts of the Islamic community have been under attack and we are defending (them),” Dehqan was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

The Islamic republic deploys military advisers to these countries in a bid to defend Islamic countries as “Islam and Muslim nations are important to us,” he said.

As for the strategic city of Aleppo in northern Syria, he said that “eventually, the occupied territories in Aleppo will be liberated (from the terrorists) by the resistance front,” Dehqan added.

Iran, a major regional ally of the Syrian and Iraqi governments in their fight against the militant groups, has repeatedly announced the presence of its military advisors in both countries.


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