Europe is unraveling right before our eyes


Police-State-Riot-Control-Exercise-Public-Domain-300x300What is going on across Europe is the exploding anger of growing economic decay and the exploding dissatisfaction which is now ripping apart their society. Since Europe has enjoyed unity and power to overthrow and rob Aboriginal nations around the world, and since they grew rich off the stolen booty and free labor, now God lays waste to their unity and the wealth they stole.

Anti-Austerity protests sweep across Italy, Spain

This is causing aggravation and consternation ,which is jumping national borders, and is lighting the flames of insurrection and civil strife all over the EU/European Union. The masses are up in anger. 

The governments know that their time is limited, therefore they are trying to implement draconian laws to preserve their rule and protect them from the anger of the people ,which is now boiling over, threatening the existence of their political and financial order.

The glue is losing it’s adhesiveness. This means that their unity is being broken. This means that they are definitely entering a time of chaos and doom.


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