US in an uproar as Russia weighs in on Libya: Libya’s parallel central bank issues banknotes printed in Russia


 5746ede1c461881b488b45cdNote: Not only is America and America bucking up against each other in Afghanistan, Central Asia, The Baltics, The Caucasus, Syria, Iraq, Eastern Europe, & the Pacific, they are also clashing in Libya. America thinks that she is always right and that her word is final and everyone else must accept it.

Now Russia is wading in on the Libyan front and the West is in an uproar. Russia has finally spit back in the face of of the Empire as it has spat, so many times in her face recently.

Remember that he who prints the money of the nation ultimately also controls that nation’s affairs & policies!!!

Libya’s parallel central bank issues banknotes printed in Russia

The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) of the unrecognized eastern government has printed four billion dinars worth of banknotes.

The new notes of 20 and 50 dinar denominations were printed in Russia and will be put into circulation on June 1, reports The Libya Observer citing the eastern central bank.

“The printed notes are worth four billion Libyan dinars and are the same sizes and denominations as the current banknotes,” central bank governor Ali Salim al-Hibri told Libyan Al-Iktisadia TV, stressing that there would be no conflict with the existing currency.

Last summer, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recognized Al-Hibri as the central bank governor and as its sole contact in the country.

Samples of the new banknotes were presented at a meeting of the two Central Banks of Libya and the Presidential Council in Tunis in May, the statement said.

However, the US Embassy in Libya declared the banknotes to be counterfeit. “Such notes could undermine confidence in Libya’s currency and the CBL’s ability to manage monetary policy to enable economic recovery,” it said in a statement….More Here

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