Russia announces game-changer in the Asia-Pacific/S.China Sea theater of conflict


Russian Navy You know how America is always wades in on the side of any and everyone opposing Russia and China? Now the shoe has been put on the other foot. The same thing is now happening with America.

As China rises America becomes more nervous over the fact she no longer controls and dominates the Asia-Pacific or South China Sea Region. This is the gist of her moves to divide Asia against China, because she sees her power waning and is now willing to arm and partner with anyone whom she thinks maybe willing to become her junior partner to keep China in Check.

Now Russia is wading in on this geo-strategic economically vital region of the world. And guess who she’s siding with? With this latest announcement Russia is now putting pressure on America. 

This maybe a game changer in geopolitical terms. This means that if/when this occurs, America will have to contend with one rising power, China, and one re-ermerging power, Russia, in the same arena. She never thought that these events would occur, but they are and it has her panicked.

This announcement was heard from Asia to Brussels and back over to Washington D.C……

Russia May Build Pacific Fleet Base on Matua Island in Kurils Chain

The Russian Defense Ministry is considering the possibility of building a base for units of the Pacific Fleet on the Matua Island in the Kurils chain, Commander of the Eastern Military District Col. Gen. Sergei Surovikin said Friday.

SAKHALIN REGION (Russia’s Far East) (Sputnik) — According to Surovikin, the Russian military and the Russian Geographic Society are currently conducting a joint expedition to the Kurils chain, which involves six ships and over 200 participants. The Matua Island hosts three airstrips dating back to World War II.

“The main goal of the expedition is to study the possibility of basing Pacific Fleet forces there,” Surovikin said at a meeting with the district’s senior commanders.

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