American leaders spooked as China does not back down, but double downs on war threats to the US if they continue


243198-china-to-increase-its-military-spending21The empire lies in tatters. Her leadership is as confused as one could be. The frantic push into Asia through means of divide and conquer is stirring the winds of blowback against the empire.

Don’t think for one minute that the Western/US elite don’t see this and understand that it’s now or never for their global order. They are throwing everything at rising poles of powers to try to see what will stick. Nothing is sticking so the leadership has decided they they must force their will on Asia either by hook  or by crook.

Why do you think this newest announcement was just made, especially in a time of high tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in the South China Sea? What announcement you ask? It is this announcement that I’m referring to ;

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