The Times Is Against Her, So The Empire Is Desperate


The Times Is Against Her So The Empire Is Desperate

BANK_OF_AMERICA_Investors_are-9ad1e27422afb4efee2763cac12af327The Empire is desperate. She knows that she has little time left. All of her moves are to destabilize and to try to frighten governments whom she perceives as her rivals. She is now flexing what little military/economic muscle that she has left.

She believes that if she can keep up the facade she will be able to prevent the nations from rising up to push her off of her perched tower of power. Her positioning of military hardware next to the borders of her enemies and the sailing of warships near the shores of those whom she fears is highly provocative.

Actually under international law it is an open act of aggression/ an act of war. She believes that because she is America, she has the right to do these things. Still drunk off who she used to be, she believes that might makes right and anyone who opposes her policies and dictates automatically becomes a “Regime”, “Dictator”, “Authoritarian” & an “Enemy to Democracy.”

Nothing is so clear as to see her desperation through her desperate actions she is taking against nations who can hold their own against her economically, politically, and militarily. When a person or nation realizes that they are no longer the biggest or  baddest predator or nation and see their ruling order being challenged or overthrown, then they will do what desperate nations do.

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