War Is Near – NATO Targets Russia With Planned Missile Defense Expansion


lockheed martin pac missile defenseWe are approaching the conflict. We are approaching the battle between two powers that will devastate the entire white world order and power structure. They can’t hold it back.

You may ask why? It is because…”The destruction and power that is bringing about the fall of the world of the white man is coming from Allah (God). In the past history of the world of the white man, there never was a time of destruction of his world like the present time.

It is useless for you to try to prevent the fall of the white man’s world. There is no checking it.”-pg.170(tfoa)

What is going on between East and West is positioning forces to get the strategic advantage. All of their military brass and top politicians know that war is unavoidable between them. They are just making preparations now to try to be in the best position when it breaks out.

NATO Targets Russia With Planned Missile Defense Expansion

Poland to Break Ground on Next NATO Base

by Jason Ditz
Of the many moves by NATO to increase their military presence in Eastern Europe, none has been so onerous to Russia as the European missile defense system. Late this week, NATO is making some significant moves in that regard.

Thursday, the system officially went online with the opening of a base in Romania. One day later, ground will be broken on a major additional base in Poland, which will also hold significant missile defense assets.

Though throughout its construction the defense system was repeatedly claimed to have nothing to do with Russia, despite being built overwhelmingly on the Russian frontier, US officials are now openly talking up the “robust display of military power” the system represents as explicitly targeted at Russia.

The missile defense system threatens to at least somewhat reduce the effectiveness of Russia’s nuclear deterrent, though likely only a small amount. Russia sees this as further weakening their general position in the region, as previous nuclear deals designed to assure relative parity were made before NATO absorbed much of Russia’s former alliance, the Warsaw Pact.

Source: www.antiwar.com

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