Forked Tongue Obama – Implementing desperate measures in the Middle East to try to buy more time for “The Empire”


Forked Tongue Obama – Implementing desperate measures in the Middle East to try to buy more time for “The Empire”

obama-snake-tongueHer politicians are unable to carve out a future for America. Her attitude towards her ex-slaves is what is lying at the root of America’s debocles.This is causing the political confusion and complete destruction of the house divided against itself.

You can tell that Allah has their minds. The government of America is confused and divided. This was to take place in order to free the ex-slaves.

…”The heads of the governments of the Christian world are confused, and they do not know that they are confused. Why? Because their greatest desire was to confuse us. Now Allah (God) has taken the confusion out of us and put it into them.

Eat, America. Help yourself to the dessert that you have prepared for us. You eat it. All praises are due to Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad.”-Chp.35(tfoa)

Obama is so wrapped up in pleasing his white masters that not even he sees his own hypocrisy. On the one hand he makes statements like this…

Obama Says Sending Ground Troops to Syria Out of the Question  —-In this article he states in an excerpt that, 

It would be a mistake for the United States, or Great Britain… to send in ground troops and overthrow the Assad regime,” Obama told the BBC in an interview published Sunday.” –Obama

..Then is must have either been blatantly lying to the public or suffered from Tourette syndrome, a stroke, or Alzheimer’s disease, because less than 24 hours after making these statements and reassuring the American public, he does a 180 and has so-called informed people announce this….

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