The Racial Explosion in America – We Can’t Trust a Major American Police Department. That’s a Problem.


racc4There is a grown problem…a growing racial divide across America. The ex-slaves are being conjoled and awakened violently. The exposure of the true state of affairs in America has them fed up.

The ex-slave master cannot stand this. He is using every instrument available to him and at his government’s disposal to try to suppress the independence and cries for freedom, justice ,and equality by those whom he has used, abused, and exploited for centuries.

This brings us ever so close to civil insurrection, uprising, and uncivil war! Why? Because the slave master is trying to hold on to his slaves in subjection at all costs. The slave will no longer tolerate it and is fed up and is now preparing to take their freedom ,even if it means a violent confrontation with their oppressors.

Never ever has the former slave master shown any gratitude towards the unlimited sacrifices that were made by, and is still being made by, their ex-slaves. The Black slave helped to make America rich. Would Allah, (God) be silent forever? Being the God of Righteousness and Justice, would He not take to Himself the work of aiding the poor Black people against their evil oppressors? 

I have been writing for many years that America must be punished for her evil done to her Black once-slaves….”The world knows this now but the spiritually blinded, deaf and dumb American so-called Negroes, to whom I am calling and appealing to reason(do not know this). I am calling them to reason with me on the truth and their own salvation, that is now in truth of self and kind and of the enemy of self.

There will not be an end to the clashes between Black and white America — and throughout the world — until wrong, evil, murdering, deceiving and robbing the poor Black man of the earth, is destroyed and righteousness and justice are practiced.

This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.

America wishes to oppose Allah (God) in this work of bringing justice and freedom to her once slaves, but this is just what Allah (God) wants. He (Allah) wants America to attack Him, to get the fight started and to bring His judgment against her with the fullness of His strength and power.

America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America. The plan of deceiving the so-called Negro politicians to work against their own freedom, justice and equality (salvation) that Allah (God) has brought to them, is making the so-called Negroes in high offices become the enemy of his own people’s freedom, justice and equality.

Such offices are held out as a bribe to get Black politicians to work against the spread of the truth of their salvation. They are happy — and their boss knows that they are — to have a place near him in such offices just for the purpose of trying to oppose Allah and His Messenger in freeing the poor Black man who is in the mud.

This is causing the political confusion and complete destruction of the house divided against itself.

I am asking, in the name of Allah, that the American government agree on the separation of her once slaves and their master. Of course, Allah (God) is sufficient.

We want a home on this earth we can call our own. We do not want to be slaves anymore to white people. We do not want to be free “Uncle Toms” for white people. We want to do something for self and go for self. However, America, with her blind, deaf and dumb politicians and clergy class of the so-called Negroes, will bring a swift destruction upon their heads, along with the doom that is inevitable against the enemy.”-pgs.200 & 201(tfoa)

The great divide is growing ever greater by the hour. This is the day of The Great Separation!!!!

We Can’t Trust a Major American Police Department. That’s a Problem.

Chicago is not an outlier. It’s an allegory.

There seems to be little doubt that the city of Chicago—Rahm Emanuel, mayor—no longer can control its police department effectively. That was made clear with the release of a scathing report compiled by a special investigative task force commissioned by Emanuel last year in the wake of the shooting of Laquan McDonald, and subsequent cover-up, a cover-up in which Emanuel allegedly was involved.

C.P.D.’s own data gives validity to the widely held belief the police have no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color,” the task force wrote. “Stopped without justification, verbally and physically abused, and in some instances arrested, and then detained without counsel — that is what we heard about over and over again.”

The report reinforces complaints made for decades by African-American residents who have said they were unfairly singled out by officers without justification on a regular basis, then ignored when they raised complaints…In a city where whites, blacks and Hispanics each make up about one-third of the population, 74 percent of the 404 people shot by the Chicago police between 2008 and 2015 were black, the report said.

Black people were the subjects in 72 percent of the thousands of investigative street stops that did not lead to arrests during the summer of 2014. Three out of every four people on whom Chicago police officers tried to use Taser guns between 2012 and 2015 were black. And black drivers made up 46 percent of police traffic stops in 2013.
The release of the report comes during a time of renewed scrutiny of the facility at Homan Square where the CPD essentially ran its own equivalent of a CIA black site, complete with torture.

Sound familiar? This past year, in the shadow of the Laquan McDonald police shooting scandal, investigative reporters from The Guardian and their lawyers have exposed, in numerous articles, that Chicago’s history of torture and cover-up is repeating itself, this time at Homan Square.

As the Guardian has documented, Homan Square, named after a notorious Chicago slumlord Samuel Homan, was, until recently, a secret site where thousands of people of color have been – and apparently still are – held and interrogated for hours, “off the books”, often without being under arrest. They are handcuffed to a wall in dark and foreboding rooms and cells, with inconsistent access to food, drink or access to bathroom facilities.

The Guardian’s continuing investigation reveals that when this sensory deprivation does not yield sufficient cooperation, the police interrogators all too often employ physical brutality that meets the United Nations Convention Against Torture’s definition of torture. Cases of tasering, which is a very real form of electric shock, suffocation, anal rape, beatings with batons, threats with a weapon and questionable deaths while in custody are now all on the public record.

And, once again, we see police officers committing perjury and innocent victims being charged with crimes that they did not commit.
Homan Square is back in the news because of the case of Jaime Galvan, who died a decade ago while in custody at Homan Square under circumstances that are dubious at the very best.

A police spokeswoman claimed Galvan died “in his sleep after interviews at Harrison Area headquarters”, the Chicago Tribune reported on 11 February 2006. However, on the official police hospitalization case report, obtained by the Guardian through a wide-ranging transparency lawsuit begun last year, the “address of occurrence” of Galvan’s death was not Harrison area headquarters. It was 3340 W Fillmore Street – the secretive police warehouse complex otherwise known as Homan Square.
At this point, there is no compelling reason to believe anything the CPD says about its own conduct, and there won’t be any reason to do so until the stables get thoroughly hosed down by someone from the outside. The Justice Department is said to be looking into the situation surrounding McDonald’s death. But with the city’s murder rate climbing, and these latest revelations, control of the CPD would be a political whipsaw even for a popular politician, which Emanuel is not. But there should be some sort of general consensus that you can protect innocent people without killing some of them. Otherwise, Chicago is nothing more than a deep-dish Mogadishu…..More Here

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