The Thermonuclear clock is ticking – Time is running out for a US/NATO Russian rapprochement


The Thermonuclear clock is ticking – it Time is running out for a US/NATO Russian rapprochement


A stopwatch or timer with the words Time is Running Out to warn you that the clock is ticking and the deadline or finish point is near and you should hurry or speed up to complete the game or job

You are starting to get a glimpse of what we have been warning that was to come for sometime now. The European continent is under a huge military burden. This burden will soon burst forth in all out war.

All parties, both East & Western power blocks, are flexing their military muscles. The threats are louder than they have ever been. Politicians are screaming that war is imminent.

Some who still have some sort sense are trying to walk back the threats and constant provocations by America and NATO, but it is too late for this.

The show must go on. The stage is being set for war. The weapons and troops are being prepositioned. 

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