US orders military families out of Turkey “ASAP” as MidEast War fears grow


US orders military families out of Turkey “ASAP” as MidEast War fears grow

FightingReaper5geo983p55  Is there something going on behind the scene which point towards an eventual war coming in the not to distant future in The Middle East? Signs are telling us that it definitely looks as though something is about to jump off.

I do believe that the war machine is already in motion. Why? Have you ever saw American leaders and war planners ever accept defeat and just move on without a fight? If not, then why do you believe that they are willing to do so now and leave Russia in the top position of influence, especially when they fought so hard for decades to isolate and then push out all Russian influence?

Something speaks to me about what is about to go on. It is no coincidence that at this very moment we here about and see …

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