Putin’s blunt words of war if the US exceeds the limits in The Middle East


Putin’s blunt words of war if the US exceeds the limits in The Middle East

Vladimir-Putin-Takes-Over-the-Middle-East.sized-770x415xtThe battle for Middle East/North African Primacy has started to heat up. As I was listening and reading the latest news reports, something struck me with awe that was probably overlooked by most. Russia has openly warned not only Turkey & NATO nations that if they do anything provocative, that will mean that their planes will start dropping out of the sky over Syria and Iraq, They went to the very root and straight out told America this.

They did not mix words and we see that America is not just going to allow for anyone to talk common sense to her. She thinks that she is the only decider and everyone else must follow her dictates. So this makes for confrontation to happen all the more certain.

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