America is bringing the “TROJAN HORSE OF PEACE” on it’s trip to Moscow


  America is bringing the “TROJAN HORSE OF PEACE” on it’s trip to Moscow


Trying to save face and buy more time for a secret counter attack on Russia’s interests, American officials will be flying to Moscow to discuss Syria, Ukraine, and a whole range of issues like NATO’s provocations, Turkey’s belligerence and provocations, and America’s part in all of it.

If walls could talk we would see tempers flaring, plenty of Western/American denials, and promises being made knowing that they never ever intend to fulfill them. America is going there trying to present her aims and goals as seeking peace.

But any sane or rational observers can see that it was America’s investment and bribes of the Ukrainian establishment and Western political cover that turned that nation into a European basket case. Any sane or rational onlooker can see that it was America’s imperial hubris that lead to the Syrian fiasco.

She recruited these terrorists. She pulled together a coalition of corrupted nations under the banner of “an international coalition” which funded, armed, trained, and gave political support and intelligence to these paid mercenaries to illegally invade the Syrian Arab Republic and violently overthrow the elected government of Assad.

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