Why Is China’s Military Build-up Seen As A Threat To America’s “Interests” in Asia?


Why Is China’s Military Build-up Seen As A Threat To America’s “Interests” in Asia?

map_america_china_500Note: Always remember that this report is given from a slanted Western perspective. When they say Chinese, Russian, Syrian, or Iranian aggression, what they are really saying is these nations will not allow America to dominate them and impose her will on their nation and their foreign and domestic policies.

There is a lot of truth in this article ,but or course the devil has to continue throwing curveballs in order to deceive you into thinking that his intentions and his actions and his policies are always done and carried out with the best intentions and highest regards for human security and national sovereign of international law.

But those learned of us, know this to be outright lies. They have never cared anything about humane rights. For how can they when they enslave people, occupy and wage illegal wars against unsuspecting nations, deploy NGO’s to overthrow governments and destabilize sovereign nations.

All of this is nothing but hogwash. They are liars by nature and their nature is what they will always do in order to put themselves in the position of power and decision making over everyone else.

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